22 DECEMBER 1917, Page 12


(To THE EDITOR or me " SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—There is no doubt that many people will desire to adopt the suggestion of presenting War Bonds as Christmas presents. Others will wish to give War Saving Certificates as tips where the lip reaches or exceerla 15s. 641. (the balance, if any, being given in cash). I am afraid, however, that few will give theniseires the trouble of going to a post-office to carre out thM purpose, and rather than incur the bother will 11831.1 out cash ae before. To obviate this it seems to me that in both eases all trouble can be avoided by tire very simple method of banditti; the recipient a cheque for 15s. Cal. or other sum, drawn in the name of the " Post- master-General or bearer," crossed and marked "Not negotiable," or "For purchase of war securities," or both. The holder would then lake the cheque at any time convenient to himself or herself, to any post-office and obtain the appropriate certificate or stock thereagainst. The cheque could not be used for any other pur- uose. Is this way the Government might reap a rich harvest,

and the practice might spread into other channels where gifts and bonuses are not confined to this period of the year.—I am,