22 DECEMBER 1917, Page 2

Signor Orlando, the Italian Premier, in addressing the Chamber last

week, defined very clearly the position as to war aims. "The Central Powers say that they desire peace, but they keep their peace conditions hidden in a cloud through which one catches eight of appetites more or less insatiable and intentions more or less threatening in proportion as the momentary fortune of war is more or leas favourable to them." But " the rest of the world has a single programme and a single aim which remains always identical, representing at the same time a maximum and a minimtrrn. It does not wish to bo the prey of these appetites or the marked-down victim of these threats." There in brief is the answer to the half- hearted people who are always asking for information as to the Allies' war aims. Signor Orlando affirmed that Italy was " still proud to fight for a just cause."