22 DECEMBER 1917, Page 3

Sir Edward Carson, in the House of Commons on Friday

week, made a vigorous attack on the Pacificists who had objected to a vote for the National War Aims Committee. The Pacificists, he said, were the authors of the Committee. But for their persistent en- deavours to make mischief in the country, the Committee would not have been needed. Our war aims in general had been stated ever and over again by Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Asquith, and Presi- dent Wilson. The demand for a fuller statement of our aims was put forward to embarrass the Government and the Allies. The Pacificists never suggested that the Germans should state their war aims, although Germany has never made any statement on the subject. Sir Edward Carson disclaimed any responsibility for the propaganda ; his function was to keep in touch with it and report to the War Cabinet. In the course of the debate Sir Hamar Green- ood said that President Wilson was spending millions in propa- ganda where we were spending thousands, because he saw that propaganda was as essential as munitions.