22 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 11



Our martet has been in a state of great activity and excitement during the whole week ; and the business transacted both in the English and Foreign Funds has been unusually extensive. It is understood that the accumulation of balances in the hands of the Bank of England is so great, that the Directors have come to a &termination of 1,1vancing another sum of one million upon the security of Stock. The loan has been made to an eminent capitalist at the rate of 2,4 per cent. Upon this circumstance becoming known, a rise took place in the prices of all the English Fonds ; which have improved nearly h per cent. upon the closing prices of last week. Consols for Account have been at Dlj ; but close lower, the last quotation being 903 New 14 per Cents. have been also in demand at 98 and 9til; ; the impulse given to the market last week by the large purchase for the Corporation of London being fully sustained. In- dia Stock still continues to improve, anti is to-day at 25:3. Bank Stock is '217i, and Exchequer Rills 49 52. In the course of yesterday, a lar,:e purchase was made by the broker who generally acts for the Scotch Banking Companies; SO as it was supposed that those as are about to replace the large quanti- ties of Stock brought to market fry them at the close of the last year, the opera- tion excited considerable interest : no purchase of a similar nature. however, has occurred to-day. The daily sale of about I0,000/. Stock on the acentint of the Savings Banks still continues. Portugnese and Spanish Stock have not been the only descriptions of Securities which have ihietosteil during the we-k. All the other Foreign Bonds have been the objects both of inve,tment and leen-, lation. Brazilian, which were on Tuesday at 75, have been depressed by the report of disturbances at Rio) to 72:1, but have again reached to 76. Belgian Stock has been in steady demand, and is to-day at 941 1. The Northet n Euro- pean Bonds have also unproved; Russian being at MB 101, and Danish 74A The investments in Dwelt Stock have been considerable ; and an advance of nearly 1 per cent. has takeit place in the price, which is now 501 3. The ten- dency to rise has, however, been checked by some very extensive sales, which have been effected for Dutch Account.

The excitement of the Spanish and Portuaneae Markets still continues. The improvement of the price of the former in the Paris market, aided by the speru- lation which is going on here, has to-day carried the pi ice up to 07 A at which point the market was very firm. Just previous to the close of business ; tsudden reaction took place ; and after bring at :344, the closing price is 85 .11. The Portuguese Regency Bonds have been at 73 ;1, and were to-day at 75 ; but when the Spanish Stock declined, these Securities were also affected ; a panic

connnenced, and some large sales were effected at 72, and even at 71. After the the usual hour of closing the Stock Exchange, a rally took place to 74 and 73; 74 may be called the last quotation. Various i111110111N are of course atioat ; but none of the reports are sufficient to account for this depression, which we be- lieve is mainly attributable to the nature of the speculations which have been recently carried on in this Stock.

In the early part of the day, the South American Stocks (which had pre- viously been rising), were at very high prices,—viz. Columbian 28. Buenos Ayres 28, and Mexican 42,4 : they' are, however, nmeh lower this afternoon, and the prices quite nominal. Alining Shares are more in demand.


The defeat sustained by the Ministry in the House of Commons last night, has occasioned a decline in the price of Consols, which have been as low as 901 and, after touching 904, are now 90 a. Bank and Indian Stock are at yesterday's puke. Exchequer Bills are 5l 52 prem. The panic which occurred yesterday in Portuguese Stock was renewed this morning at the commencement of business, antis large quantity of the Regency Bonds were done at 7011 ; the price has since improved to 7:3, and is non. 72i a,. The price of the Cortes Bonds being maintained in Paris at 291, the market for those serurities is firmer, and they have been as high as 864 ; but a tendency to realize being manifested by the holders, the price has declined to 83, and is now 8.1%. The South American Stocks are nominally at the prices of yesterday. The new Greek thonium is again in request ; the price is, to-day, 106:4 107. The Russian nod French por- tions are at 102 103, and the English at 114:4. The Northern Fotropc,a Stock are still in demand : the price ot Russian Bonds being 11163 107%. Dutch Stock has rather deelined, and the luresent quotation is per cent. below the closing one of vestei day.

3 ; er ('emit, Consols, Ditto tla- Account

rsu'a 31 hr Cent. Annuities

Bala; Stork

I Iv ia :•1 wk

Lehempler Bills

Belgian 5 per Cents

Bra Minn 5 pet Cents Danish 3 per Cents Sig I Siti4 97a i til, 4


Si 32 St4 75 r 74t Dutch 2r per Cent-i. . Freneli :1 per s Otis-k, S33. 5 per Cents

Mexivan 6 per Cents. Port uguese 5 per Cent.; ::::;s1,1,:,4,7.11171,..st..r5iiht,5erti_.7r,(1:,etttt Russian, i22, Slier Cent .

:vanish, 1;42 t, 5 per Cent. , 501


104 7 41 f 7`2.1 7_21 I 1017'; 71,