22 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 5

At the Guildhall, on Ta yenag muamu was hronaht up

raving thnuigh icon, (us I-roiher st;t -1) in uctiing op the if was re-

manded till he tan its 'it...1. to At Bow Street. on 'ranee-ley. Willhee Hunter, a dal of fifteen., junior clerk at the South Austealian W.., opening a packet 01' pal,Lrs aft. at the ■).:iee to be foiwarded to t..iotith Australia. J. Love.h.y, measemzer at mite ofrive. said there v:,;s no reason to suspec, the 1,ii,Foner (s.f any felonious intent but he was of a very curious and ino:iiring turn of mind," and bed kept the parcel to read the contents at his leisere. "Nlr. Tw■ rord, the Magistrate, was very aim il I in g to semi this lici to 1 rim f- •r i4dulging a curia sity which, though culpable in i,e4anee, xv.ts teollog natural to yeeth. He

therefore delivered erisonec hit., the lenels of his mother. [The Times remarlaz, that " this decision holds eat a petty example to ser- vants generally. If ;hey be toll:, of hi :inning turn of namid,' they may open and keep hack, to read at their 1i-i--are, all the letters of their masters and mistresses." :1 On Tuesdey, several ineffectual att.:mots were made to get at the bodies a the unfrrtunate persims who nerished on board the ill-fated

barque 'Ey Fiala Peet of lee. riaeleg 11111,1s 11:ice leen removed for the purpose of lightening. her, and chains are in course of preparation for reisiete her it' possible. A surrey of the. exterior of the T;rian has been made hy the divers. for the pm-la-Ise of meeriaining. if possible, the extent of the injuries she received by i the collision ; but, n consequence

of the great depth of mud in which the ship lies, they have not yet been able to accomplish this satisfactorily. Mrs. Cunningham, wife of the Captain of the Tyrian, was reported to be dead ; but she is recover- ing from the shock and injuries she received.