22 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 6


Major Cadogan, of Breuelibourne Priory, Northumberland, is the Tory candidate for Morpeth.

Mr. Thomas Farnsomb, of Griffin's Wharf, Southwark, has ad- dressed the electors of Rye, announcing himself as a candidate for its representation whenever a vacancy may arise. The present Member is a Tory. The oidu indications of his polities which Mr. Farneomb gives are the following—first, to maintain the honour and dignity of the L:rowu; secondly, to give stability and protection to the institutions of our country : and thirdly, to promote the true interest, prosperity, hap- piness, and independence of the people.—G/obc. We regret to hear that Mr. Cayley, M.P. for the North Riding of Yorkshire, has been for some months labouring under severe indisposi- tion. He came to town at great hazard to record his vote in favour of Ministers, but lies remained ever since in a state of very great suffering., and totally unable to attend to business of any kind.—Illorniny Chronicle.

When Mr. Spring. Riess r ow Lord Montengle. first paid his addresses to the electors of Ca.a".-i•le•e, 1!2 was, as lie always had been, very liberal of his promises. I! 2 WWI:I do a great deal to promote the pros- perity of the town. i a. sm4gested by some person who knew his man, that he might give GIs. proof of the sincerity of his intentions by procuring a small anne..1s.seit in aid of the fieels cf the Cambridge Philusophical Society-1s; 1.seitation of much merit, but whose funds were scarcely aikiplate t!•,•• al:Heath:1i of transactions. The idea

appeared a capital one Mr. Rice : he had much interest at the

'Treasury ; the grant east him nothing ; and it had the still stronger rectums:111.4160i. 111■1; it would very probably help him to a few additional N T!1.' accerilingly was applied to ; and in a short time Ost people were much gratified to find that a grant of 100,1, y, ear we:, s lade to aid the funds of the Philosophical Society. The . ,,gut yr paid up to last i car in:clusive ; but now things had cl).,nag::,1. ..1,!r. ..(2 was pita:In-lied i th:.: House of

Peers. and did it w .! for Cambridge ; and tit:.? gentleman (Mr. Gibson) f.r whin n tl.rr ernmeLt did want it, was pitchforked

out of the bor,:•;.:n. electors did not m tit him. These

were offences lant to or forgiven. The (ioNertnnent pa- tronage was witletr...we town, and the paltry grant of the 1001. it year to the Philosophin..d S:)eiely has this year been stopped! This

shahby net of the Government needs no commenh—Corre- si,owAnt