22 FEBRUARY 1845, Page 10

The Railway Board, having considered the following schemes for the

West and North-west of Ireland, have determined on reporting to Parliament in favour of the Irish Great Western (Dublin to Galway); ageing the Great Western (Ireland) Railway (Dublin to Mullingar, Sm.), Great Western (Ireland) Railway (Alterna tive Line), Great Western (1;eland) Railway (Extension Line); in favour of the Londonderry and Enniskillen; and against the Londonderry and Coleraiae. And tile Board also repo4 in faveur of the maadmi, BiumJey, end Acerington Sr- tension, Bleolgatrri, Darwan,lael Neaten, The following important notice was issued by the Postmaster-General yes- terday—" On and from the let March next, an additional rate of 4d. the half-ounce over and above the present postage will be chargeable on all letters, and an ad- ditional rate of 2d. on every newspaper, forwarded by the over-land mail, whether via Southampton or via Marseilles to and from places to the Eastward of Cal- cutta, and also to and from the Mauritius, the Cape of Good Hope, Bourbon, or Madagascar, when despatched to such placerfrom ports in India, or vice versa; this sum being levied to defray the charge made by the East India Company for the despatch and receipt of such letters and newspapers."