22 FEBRUARY 1902, Page 1

A striking example of the Sultan's passion for espionage is

reported from Constantinople. Fuad Pasha, "the hero of Elena," one of the most brilliant figures in the Russo- Turkish War, and until recently in high' favour with his master, was accused by a Palace spy of intriguing with the Young Turks, and had his house watched by a cordon of secret police. Fuad, a man of imperious !temper; promptly retaliated by arming his servants and warning the spy that he would shoot down his agents if found in the vicinity of his house. The Sultan rejoined by trebling the number of the secret police, and a couple of days later an affray took place in which six men were wounded. Fuad was at once sum- moned to Yildiz Kiosk, placed under arrest, and deported by sea to Beirut, whence he is to be sent to Damascus "to remain under observation." As Fuad has all along kept clear of politics, and is alleged to be guiltless of any commerce with the "Young Turks," his banishment is ascribed entirely to the influence exerted over the Sultan by a Hamidian spy, of whom the Times correspondent says with refreshing can- dour that, "being a thorough scoundrel, he is deep in the good grazes and confidence of his Imperial master."