22 FEBRUARY 1902, Page 17



SIR,—Will you allow us to make an appeal through your columns on behalf of St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green, the Women's Settlement in connection with the Oxford House ? It is an appeal which, we feel sure, has only to be made widely enough known in order to elicit a response. For our object is to secure two or three permanent residents to fill the place of some who have had to leave us unexpectedly, with the result that our work has been crippled. We have only to enumerate the various branches of our work to show that there is scope for workers of every different taste and capacity. On the one hand, there are parochial organisations with their usual system of district visiting, mothers' meetings, Sunday-schools, and so on under the different parish clergy; and on the other, the more peculiarly Settlement work in con- nection with charity organisation, servants' registry (known to Londoners as the Mabys), women's, girls', and children's country holiday funds, and a succession of children's guilds, junior and senior girls' clubs whieh hold their meetings in the house itself. We also undertake to visit our neighbouring hospitals and workhouse, and we endeavour to carry on readings in economic, social, and other subjects, as part of the necessary equipment of the worker herself. It is obvious that those living on the spot can devote themselves to any of these objects far more satisfactorily than those who come down for the day only; but even these latter helpers are extremely welcome, for they relieve the pressure ;of work on the residents. As to the life in the house, all those who have tried it will bear witness to the happiness gained and given by this community life with its unique opportunities for personal service. Good health, wide experience, a tactful and sociable temperament are the main requisites for the worker; of course any special gift, music above all, is an additional advantage. Terms of residence are 20s. to 25s. per week. Membership of the Church of England is a sine qui non. Any lady who should feel drawn to life at the Settle- ment, and will come on a three months' trial at first, can hear further and 'full particulars from Miss Harington, St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green, E.—I am, Sir, &c., Mama', S. TALBOT.

.10 (heat George Street, Westminster, S. W.