22 FEBRUARY 1902, Page 2

We cannot help feeling that there is a good deal

of cant. in all the talk about the wickedness of the week-end. If the habit of getting into the county from Salurday to Monday were, as Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman attempted to declare, a mere freak of London society and " smart " people, one might possibly argue with some show of reason that it was a vicious habit to be avoided by all hard-working and sober citizens. It is, we believe, however, a fact that Glasgow, one of the hardest working and most strenuous communities in these islands, is specially devoted to the cult of Saturday-to- Monday, and that all who can afford it hurry out of the town at the week-end to enjoy the beautiful country by which Glasgow is happy enough to be surrounded. Glasgow seems to have survived the week-end pretty successfully, and so we think will the British Parliament.