22 FEBRUARY 1919, Page 14


WE have received the following communication from the Ministry of Pensions:- " In the review of War Pensions Past and Present (by Judge Parry and Lieutenant-General Sir A. E. Codrington) which appeared in the Spectator of January 25th it is stated: "But the Tribunal has come to an end, and there is no guarantee against the revival of these deplorable and contemptible abuses." The Tribunal, as a matter of fact. has not oome to an end, but it has been reconstituted. Recently the Tribunal was divided into two parts, and now owing to the increasing number of cases it is in process of being formed into ten. The new Tribunals thus evolved have been considerably strength- ened and improved by the inclusion of two ex-service men in enoh—one soldier and one sailor from the lower ranks, who have been through the same conditions of service DAS the appel- lants. Those members have at heart the beet interests of the Services and of the men, and are exceptionally qualified to give impartial judgments."