22 FEBRUARY 1930, Page 12

Capital Punishment

Essay Competition

THE Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider the question of Capital Punish- ment has been meeting weekly since the end of January. In view of the public interest created by thii enquiry, the Spectator has decided tct offer three prizes of ten guineas, five guineas, and three .guineas respectively for the best three Essays submitted on The Problem of the Death Penalty- in England To-day.

Entries - should be sent to— - -


The Spectator, 99 Gower..*eet, LOnclon, , and marked " Capital PuniShinent " 'in the . top .

hand corner. • The Editor is glad to announce that -Sir John Withers, M.P., and Mr. Laurence Housman have kindly consented to act with him as judges.

It is desired that the Essays submitted should be in the nature of a critical study of the subject, and they will be judged according to merit irrespective of whether then writers approve or 'disapprove of 'Capital Punish- ment. Essays, which should in no case exceed 2,000 words, should be on one side of the paper only, and if possible be typed. Essays should be submitted not later than March 31st, 1930, and the Editor reserves publication rights of all Essays submitted.