22 FEBRUARY 1957, Page 27


SIR,—Taper is right in thinking that the annual debate on Welsh affairs is a farce, and that the rhetoric is as laughable as the wit is not. But he is less than usually wide awake when he lambasts it as a mere pandering to 'local susceptibilities.'

Extreme nationalism seems to me a vicious folly, and I have never understood why the English foster it so lovingly. There is no more certain way of making a Welshman unreasonable than to compare his sense of nationality with the regionalism of the West Riding. The textbook examples of this kind of boneheadedness are Ireland and Cyprtis.

The English are a charming people (until you refer to the local susceptibilities which preVent their forming a forty-ninth State); what a pity that they are SO. crashingly tactless in their dealings with other nations.—Yours faithfully, GLN N TEGAI HUGHES 17 Edge Lane, Manchester, 21