22 FEBRUARY 1957, Page 39


ACROSS 1 Inch map, o, splendid! Unroll it (8). 5 Takes in country boarders (6). 9 Look-out man in art (8).

10 'I wasna fou, but just had —' (Burns) (6).

12 How 1 across has treated other competitors on the track (6).

13 Only a little one led France (8).

15 Producers of instruments for swing music? (12) 18 Painter successful in local elections (12).

23 Ten dined—to celebrate the engagement? (8) 24 The kind of headgear for those of advancing years (6). 26 Prerequisite for tins and bazaars (6).

27 Lurid ref confused! Yes, indeed (8).

28 Consent three times poetically (6).

29 Freighter at the head of the convoy perhaps (8).

DOWN I It's all in the cow, so inexperienced (6). 2 We hear they're dotty on the subject of these crops (6).

3 I am liable to introduce this carriage for decep- tion (7).

4 Stroll past? (4)

6 Errand-boy so like the major in song (7),

7 No need for towels in the smalls (8).

8 Wherein the secret agent reflects? (8) 11 Motor-bike for a Scotsman; so wise of him (7).

14 'In this house with starry dome, — with gemlike plains and seas' (William Watson) (7).

16 Say it with flowers, for a rustic's wages (8).

17 '1 wonder often what the — buy One half so precious as the Goods they sell (Omar Khay- yam) (8).

19 Ceres in a real muddle (7).

20 Cultivate beans? For making coarse cloth (7).

21 Not that Defoe slept with the lions (6).

22 I saw Edward, the Cockney might say — it Wimbledon? (6) 25 Mud with a bow (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on March 5 and addressed: Crossword No. 9211, 99 Gower St.. London, WCI.

Chanthers'sTwentieth Century Dictionat y, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

• pas.

Solu ion on March 8 Solution to No. 926 on page 264

The winners of Crossword No. 926 arc; Mr. Thomas G. Laing, eio Miss Scat, 14 Elm Place, Aberdeen. and Mrs. I. R. Cross, 6 Kings Gardens, Peterborough, Northants.