22 JANUARY 1842, Page 10



The Bank-broker sold Consols on Monday to the extent of 250,000/.; but as there was a considerable demand for Stock at the time, this large amount did not produce any effect upon the market. So great was the anxiety of the jobbers to obtain Stock, that one purchaser alone took 150,000/. out of the 250,0001. Stock sold. The brokers generally were buyers, as indeed they have been for some time; and one broker purchased to the extent of 100,0001. It is clear that the jobbers must have found purchasers for all the Stock sold by the Bank- broker, as the price has since been at an advance of 1 per cent upon the price at which the sale was effected; having risen from 88/ to 891. The two ope- rations just alluded to have been the only extensive ones of the week; during which the fluctuation has only been about I per cent ; Consols for Money having been, as before stated, on Monday at 881, since reached 891, and after- wards fluctuated between 89 and 891, closing today at 89 to h. For Account the extreme points have been 891 and 891; for although there were buyers for some time at the latter price, the quotation never reached 891; while for the last two or three days the price has alternated from buyers to sellers at 891. Reduced Three per Cents have fluctuated in the same proportion ; as have the New and Reduced Three per Cents ; and they all close today about h per cent below the highest quotations of the week. Bank Stock has advanced ; and from being current at 1661 and 167, is today at 1671. India Stock has risen from 2461 to 247/. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has experienced a slight advance, and may be quoted at 16 to 18 premium. No report has yet been issued by the Commission appointed to inquire into the recent frauds; nor, we believe, has any thing been done by the holders of the repudiated bills to enforce their claims upon the Government, or by the Bank to recover the Stock into which some of the bills were converted ; all parties seeming tacitly to agree to await the report of the Commissioners. In the mean time, RAPALLO has ensconced himself in Paris, and is out of the way of any proceedings which might be taken against him, either of a civil or criminal nature.

The steady improvement of the French Funds in Paris, where the price of the Five per Cents has reached 118, has given increased currency to Russian, Danish, and Belgian Bonds. The former have been in demand at 116, and are so still. Danish Bonds have been done at 81; and Belgian are nominally 101 to 103. The amount of these three descriptions of Stock at present in the market is so trifling, that purchases to any extent are difficult to be made ;

while, of course, sales are easily effected. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents have not, however, as is usually the case, participated in the improvement of the other Dividend-paying Continental Stocks. The price has for some time fluctuated round 51 as a pivot, and is now 51 to *. The Dutch Five per im- proved are, however, more in demand, and have within these few weeks about 1per cent ; the reason of this apparent anomaly being the

i ex- pectation, that n the capitalization of the Belgian portion of the Debt, the Five per Cents will be preferred to the Two-and- a-half per Cents. There has been a slight demand for the South American Bonds ; and Brazilian have been done at 66, but are not quite so firm today, being quoted at 65 to /. Columbian have also advanced about 1 per cent ; the current quotations since Monday having been 22 to 1. Mexican are also higher, and have been frequently done at 30s. Spanish Active has been very steady; the extreme fluctuation not having exceeded 1 per cent — viz. from 24 1 to 25*. The dispute be- tween Government at Madrid and the French Ambassador appears to have given a check to speculation ; and for the last few days the price has been steady at 24i 25. The Portuguese Bonds have experienced an improvement of more than 1 per cent from our last prices. The purchases to which we alluded in our last were continued to a trifling extent on Monday; • and the im- pulse thus given to the market has been supported by some small purchases of converted Five per Cents: the Five _per Cents Regency have consequently been as high as 341; the converted Five per Cents 29f, and the Three per Cents 20*. The whole have, however, given way about * per cent.

The Railway Shares have been generally steady; and the transactions in them (with the exception of those in the Brighton) have been unimportant. Great Western are, however, at an advance from 1/. to 2/. per Share.

The Brighton have experienced considerable fluctuation ; a rise having oc- curred on Monday, in consequence of the failure of a speculator who had been operating for the fall, when the price reached 38*. The Shares were depressed yesterday morning to 361, upon the intelligence that at the meeting to be held in the course of the day the Directors would propose to raise 360,000/. upon Debentures. When, however, the terms upon which the money was to be raised became known, the Shares improved to 37k; but declined again during the progress of the meeting, to 361; to close at 37/ 1. This morning, the Shares have declined to 361, and, after fluctuating between that price and 37*, close at 37 to *, being nearly the highest price of the day. The proposition submitted by the Directors yesterday to the meeting, was to obtain per. mission to raise 360,000/. by the issue of loan-notes, to be paid off in five years, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum : the right of subscribing for such notes to be in the first instance in the exist- ing shareholders; and if the money should not be raised among them the loan to be offered to general competition : the subscribers to have at ;he end of three years the option of converting their loan-notes into shares, at the rate of 10/. per quarter-share, or 40/, per Aare. This proposal was met by a motion fir adjournment, and one for the appointment of a Committee to inquire into the affairs of the Company generally. The Directors explained to the meeting that they were already personally liable to the extent of 180,0007., the excess of expenditure over the money received; and that if the meeting refused to grant them the means of raising the sum in question, they would be forced to provide it by making a call of the remaining 57. per share,—a course they were reluctant to adopt unless compelled, as it had been always understood that in consideration of the 5/. per share premium paid by the shareholders on the commencement of the undertaking, no more than 45/. additional should be called for. The result of a very stormy meeting was the adoption of a resolu- tion to raise 800,000/. in the manner proposed: the shareholders to determine the amount of their subscription by the 10th February, at which time 50 per cent of the amount subscribed is to be paid. The further payments are 25 per cent on the 15th April, and 25 per cent on the 15th July. A Committee, consisting of Messrs. PARSONS, C. E. Bitowst, LEWIS, SHOTTLEWORTH, and THOMPSON, were appointed to examine and report upon the affairs of the Company. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK. There has been so little business doing this morning, that up to this mo- ment not a single bargain is marked in the Official List as having occurred in Consols for Account, which are nominally 89i while for Money the price is 89 to 1: there were for a moment buyers at 891, but the Chancery-broker having sold some at that price, and having more to dispose of, the market has given way to its present quotation.

i Prices n the Foreign Market are nearly the same as yesterday, and the business is of as unimportant a character as in the English house. Mexican are lower, being 29i the others unchanged. We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares—Great Western, 871 • ditto (Fifths,) 10; London and Brighton, 36*; Birmingham,

170; ditto, (iifths,;25. SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK. The Gazette of last night contains the usual monthly statement of the Cir- culation by the Bank of England, Private, and Joint Stock, in England and Wales, for the four weeks preceding the 8th January 1842; which is as follows— ENGLAND. Bank of England £16.293.000

Private Banks 5,478,189 Joint Stock Banks 3,042,197 .£ 24,813,386

SCOTLAND, Chartered, Private, and Joint Stock Banks.... 3,070,075

15Exawn, Bank of Ireland 3,205,875

Private and Joint Stock Banks 2,515,677

5,721,552 £33,605,013 Bullion in the Bank of England £5,629,000

As compared with the December statement, there is a decline of 414,647/. in the English Circulation; of which there is an increase of 1,0007. in that of the Bank of England, and a decrease of 240,0321. in that of Private Banks, and 175,6057. in that of Joint Stock Banks. The Scotch Circulation has de- creased by 378,585/., while the Irish Circulation has decreased 163,4567.; making the total decrease in: the whole amount of the Circulation 958,688L, or nearly 3 per cent. The amount of Bullion in the Bank of England has in- creased 598,0007.

The market closes more firmly. Consols for Money have been done at 89*; but not a single bargain has been marked in the List during the whole day as having occurred for Account. The English Funds are nominally 1 per cent higher. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has advanced Is., these securities closing at 17s. to 19s. The Foreign Funds are generally without variation. Tuesday next will be kept as a close holyday at the Bank and Stock Exchange. The Committee of the Stock Exchange met to-day, to decide as to the pro- priety of closing the house, but determined to keep it open, the Bank Directors not having decided to shut the Transfer-offices. Late in the day, however, a communication was received to say that the Transfer-offices would be closed, and it has been determined to shut the Stock Exchange. In addition to our morning quotations of Railway business, we have to notice the following business during the afternoon—Eastern Counties Debentures, 107. 6s. 8d. ; Great North of England, 71; Great Western, 8711; Greenwich, 61 ; South- western, 58 71 ; Croydon, 111.

3 per Cent. Coosols 894 1 Columbian 6 per Cents 22 Ditto for Account 891 4 Dauish 6 per Cents 81 82 3 per Cent. Reduced 894 a Dutch 24 per Cents. 51

3: per Cent. Ditto. 994* Mexican 5 per Cents. Cousd . 294 1 New 31 per Cents. 931 9 Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 331 41

Bank Stock 1674 Ditto New Spec Cents. 1811. 284 9a.

Exchequer Bills 17 19 pm. Ditto 3 per Cents India Stock 247 Russian Spec Cents... 21°16+17 Brazilian 5 per Ceuta..... 65 6 Spanish (Active) 241 5

Belgian 5 pi.r Cents. 1021 31