22 JANUARY 1842, Page 2

ZbE eourt.

Acconniso to the expectation, the Queen and Prince Albert returned to Windsor Castle on Saturday, from Claremont.

The Queen and the Prince rode on horseback, yesterday, in the new riding-house.

The Queen held a Privy Council on Saturday. It was attended by Lord Wharncliffe, the Duke of,J1uckingham, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Stanley, Sir James Graham, 14 Gonlburn, the Earl of Ripon, Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci, Sir Ed,Watil Knatchbull, the Earl of Liverpool, Earl Delawarr, and the EarEer Jersey. The Earl of Beverley, Vice- Chancellor Knigbt,I;trwand Vice-Chancellor Wigram, were sworn of the Privy Council, anbook their places at the Board. The two Vice- Chancellors kissed hands on their appointment.

Prince Albert came to town on Monday, to be present at the cere- mony in the City : he took a special train on the Great Western Rail- way from Slough to Paddington. His Royal Highness returned to Windsor a little before midnight. Misled by erroneous rumour, he went to Greenwich yesterday, to meet the King of Prussia : but the King could not keep the appointment—he had not arrived : and so the Prince returned to Windsor alone ; so much sooner than was looked for, that the Royal carriages were not in readiness at Slough, and he walked the greater part of the way to the Castle before a post-chaise, w*res1 from Salthill, came up.

ThalYntchess of Kent left Clarence House, St. James's Palace, on

Tuesday, the Windsor Castle.

The Queen Dowager arrived at Marlborough House yesterday, from Sudbury Hall. Her Majesty has not suffered from the fatigue of the journey.

The Duke of Cambridge went from Kew, on Monday, with Prince George of Cambridge, to Belvoir Castle, in Leicestershire, to visit the Duke of Rutland. Thence they proceeded on Wednesday to Dean Park, Northamptonshire, on a visit to the Earl of Cardigan.

The preparations for the august ceremonial in St. George's Chapel, on Tuesday next, and the attendant rejoicings, are in a forward state. The papers teem with anticipatory accounts of what will be done and what is expected to be done : the rise in the temperature of Sr. George's Chapel is chronicled from day to day ; and daily corrected programmes of the sacred music to be sung are published for the edification of loyal gossips. The new riding-school will be turned to account as a stable for the guests' horses. And the Globe reveals the momentous fact, that, as Queen Victoria has only eighteen footmen at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace, and Prince Albert about six domestics, including "his two German chasseurs or jagers," while King William and Queen Adelaide had thirty footmen between them, "the livery-porters at Buckingham Palace and the Pavilion have been ordered to officiate in that capacity at the Castle." A portion of the King of Hanover's light baggage-waggons arrived at the King's apartment in Ambassador Court, from Kew, on Wednes- day, laden with ornamental furniture. It is understood that the apart- ment is to be placed at the disposal of the King of Prussia. We have reason to believe that the Prince of Wales will be named Albert Edward.— Times.

It has been decided upon that his Royal Highness Prince Albert is to be created a Knight of St. Patrick. This is an honour to our coun- try, as well as to the illustrious person selected for the compliment.— Dublin Evening Mail.