22 JANUARY 1859, Page 6

fortigu nut Colonial.

Sulam—A slight change has taken place in the heated political atmosphere of Paris. It has become more pacific—and prices have risen. The medium chosen to convey peaceful assurances this time was not the ifoniteur, but the Constitutionnel. In a paper, said to emanate from the innermost recess of the Foreign Office, the writer naively ex- presses his surprise at the alarm of the public. There was nothing in the Emperor's words on New Year's Day. They were naturally sug- gested by the posture of affairs ; all Europe knew that the intercourse between Austria and France was less friendly ; the words used by the Emperor were calculated to lessen the breach! Then the language of King Victor Emmanuel—he could not have omitted to express the sen- timents of Piedmont with regard to Italy. "The only question is whether the speech exceeded the limits imposed by the dignity of the Monarch and the sentiments of his people. No one will maintain that it did."

Again, why see in the marriage of Prince Napoleon a distant menace for the maintenance of peace "The Emperor of the French may congratulate himself on seeing a prince of his race united to the illustrious house of Sateoy, and the natural alliance of the nations thus cemented by a family union. But, if we sup- pose eventualities in which the situation of Piedmont might impose duties on the French Government for the security of the empire itself, the Empe- ror would most certainly fulfil the duties commanded by national policy, and these would not be rendered a whit more imperative by the union of the two families. But if, contrary to all expectation, hostilities should arise, the French Government would certainly not hesitate to adopt the measures beat calculated to protect the interests of the country." The Mlles Paris correspendent, writing on Monday, tells this story—

"A high municipal functionary entertained at dinner yesterday one of the Cabinet Ministers—I believe the Minister of the Interior,—and to meet him were invited the Prefects of Police and the Seine, the members of the Municipal Commission of Paris, arid certain other persons of corporate dis- tinction. The conversation naturally turned on the great topic of the day —peace or war. The Minister was asked his opinion, when, as I am in- formed, he replied unhesitatingly, 'We shall not have war, and it is to the persevering efforts of more than one distinguished person that France owes the maintenance of peace.' "

The article in the Constitutionnel sent up the funds ; but no sooner had they risen than the Presse and Patric published ambiguous articles asserting that nothing had changed in the situation, and the funds again fell, to rise again the same day. The fitting out of two steam-frigates at Toulon has been suspended. The crews of the Toulon fleet have been exercised in landing operations.

A pamphlet entitled " Aurons nous la Guerre ? " has been announced as about to appear in Paris. It will be signed "Felix Germain." The writer is opposed to war. He says the French people are opposed to war five to one. He says the fact ought to be known to the Emperor, and he calls upon all functionaries of the higher grades to tell him the facts. France reprobates intervention abroad.

"If the Government took a step in this direztion she would lose with pain and sorrow, her faith in. the sincerity of the speech at Bordeaux ; France will no longer believe that the Emperor means peace. Disen- chanted, she will turn with sadness towards those who said to her, You desire the Empire : be it so ; it is war with Europe !' In her consterna- tion she will reply, It is too true!' And the Empire itself—what would become of it amid this universal disenchantment ! The notion of reediting the high deeds of the first Empire appears to them an anachronism, and the temerity of madness."

Some alteration has been made in the passport regulations. The re- strictions imposed in January 1858 have been withdrawn, and matters stand on the same footing they did in 1856. Visas are not now required on each journey from travellers coming into France.

lustria auk $f rIll8.—The Austrian Government has explained to the French Government that in offering to aid the Porte in holding Belgrade, it left the latter power to confer with the other parties to the treaty of Paris, and had no idea of intervening without previous concert. The Powers have accepted these explanations. The Oonstilutionnel, which vouchsafes this news, says that "the speedy solution of this di- plomatic difficulty and the deference paid by Austria to the public opin- ion of Europe cannot fail to consolidate confidence and restore tranquil- lity to the public mind."

It is now officially announced that Prince Milosch has been formally accepted by the Porte.

- Sta14.—Prince Napoleon, calling by the way upon his uncle the King of Wurtemberg, residing at Nice, reached Turin on Sunday. He was received officially by the Prince of Carignan. A crowd had collected, and they shouted " Vive Napoleon!" "Vivo le Roi!" "Five b. France !" " Vive PItalie !" The Prince proceeded direct to the royal palace, where he was received at the top of the grand staircase by the King, surrounded by his Ministers. On Monday, he had his first inter- view with the Princess Clotilda.

• From Turin January 20, we learn that "Prince Napoleon has held a review of 1000 veterans of the "Grande Armee." The veterans and the people shouted, "Viva il Re," "Viva is Imperatore," "Viva Palleanza," "Viva Italia."

A correspondent, who uses the signature "A." and writes from Turin to the Daily "trews, says that the first proposals of marriage were made last year and received rather coldly, but that this year the gravity of circumstances cleared away every obstacle. Under these circumstances, he says people naturally talk of a kingdom for the Prince, and he pro- ceeds to tell us how it is to be won.

." It is believed, then, that there is a special league or alliance, if you pre- fer that term, between France, Russia, and Sardinia. Russia herself will take no active part in the war, unless certain contingencies should arise, but she guarantees to Prussia that the Rhenish provinces shall remain in- tact. Should these be attacked, she will renew the old formidable coalition with Austria, Prussia, and England. It is expected that upon the faith of this guarantee, Prussia will observe neutrality. In this way the Powers will remain spectators of the combat between France with Sardinia on the

one side, and Austria on the other. It is further believed that Austria will be sure to succumb ; and on the strength of this prescient conviction, the Italian States are to be remodelled as follows—Piedmont will cede Savoy to France, but will possess as her indemnity the Duchies and the whole of Lombardy as far as the Adige. Tuscany, with the Romagna, the Marches, and Venetia, will form a kingdom of more than five millions, to be con- ferred on Prince Napoleon, who will have become in the interim the son-in- law of the King of Sardinia, without, however, introducing any French garrison. The Kingdom of Naples is to be dealt with according to circum- stances. Lastly, Rome with the patrimony of St. Peter, will remain to the Pope." The same writer does not hesitate to assert, with all the emphasis of italics, that "there will be no doubt feigned retreats and armistices, but war has been decreed in high places. Should there be no war— and pray note well these words—some one would signally break his plighted faith and compacts already sealed."

In the mean time the Austrians having pushed their posts up to the verge of the Sardinian frontier, the Sardinian Government have called in its distant garrisons, and made a corresponding movement. It is said that 50,000 men could be concentrated within two days. The Austrians are forming an entrenched camp at Cremona. General Hess had arrived in Italy. Direct accounts from Milan state that the excitement there has cooled down, and that now the city is tranquil. Smoking goes on in the streets. Many stories we have heard turn out to have been exaggerated. For instance, the taxes have not been refused ; nor has cigar smoking been put down. The University of Padua was closed because the stu- dents had paraded the Italian tricolor at the funeral of a professor, and bad resisted the police who were sent to disperse them. The Chamber of Deputies of Turin had unanimously adopted an answer to the King's speech in which the following passage occurs-

" At present, Sire, your voice, influential and respected among all ciri- lized nations, magnanimously expressing pity for the woes of Italy, will certainly revive the memory of the solemn promises which have as yet remained without fulfilment, and at the same time will tend to calm down blind impatience, and will uphold among the populations a firm confidence in the irresistible force of civilization and the power of public opinion. If these consolatory thoughts and this appeal to public reason were to draw down perils or menaces on your sacred head, the nation—which venerates in you its sincere and straightforward prince, and looks on you as the powerful interceder with the various European cabinets for the cause of liberty—which beholds all the anger of factions give way before the great example of your fidelity—which knows that in you and by you at last has been found the secret, lost for so many centuries, of Italian concord—the nation, we say, will to a man, range themselves round your person, and show that they have again learned the ancient art of uniting the obedience of the soldier to the liberty of the citizen." This was drawn up at the request of the Chamber by Signor Correnti, ex-Secretary-General of the Governor of Lombardy in 1848, but who had emigrated from Milan, and having taken up his residence at Pied- mont, has been long a member of the Chamber. In his opening address, Ratazzi, the President, exhorted the deputies to be united in these times of danger.

The King of Naples has issued an edict, ordaining that councils of war will be instantly called in all places where political disturbances may break out. These councils will have to decide upon the in- demnity to be granted to those states which have suffered injury, and their duty will also be to fix the amount of reward to be given to such persons as may have cooperated in the suppression of disturbances. The "amnesty" is, it seems, not a measure of much Face. The politi- cal prisoners are to be exiled to America! Poerio 1.9 reported to have declared that the state of his health will not admit of a sea voyage. The King of Naples is suffering from an attack of illness.

On the 7th were married at Munich, the Duke of Calabria, Francesco Maria Leopoldo, hereditary Prince of the Two Sicilies, and the Princess Maria Sophia Amelia, Duchess of Bavaria. The Prince Luitpold, Duke of Bavaria, represented the Duke of Calabria on the occasion, The bride is the sister of the Empress of Austria.

The Austrian Zeilang contradicts the report that the French Govern- ment had made a proposal to the Austrian Government to take in con- cert with it steps to induce the Roman Government to make concessions and institute reforms, and in case the Pope refused compliance to with- draw the French and Austrian troops from the Papal States ; that the Austrian Government had refused to take any such steps, and that it was that refusal which caused the Emperor to make his recent address to Baron Hubner. "We are enabled to state, on authority, that the whole story is a pure invention."

VIIIIIii11.—The Chamber of Representatives has elected Count Schwerin president, by 274 votes out of 316, M. Arnim, the conservative candidate, obtained only 98 votes. M. Reichensperger (Cologne), of the Catholic party, and M. .Mathis, of the Left, have been chosen vice-presi- dents.

11151i11.—The students of the University of Moscow recently hissed a professor.' The authorities ordered the arrest of the ringleaders, where- upon 300 students applied to have their names struck off the books. In- stead of treating this as a political insurrection the Government treated it as a schoolboy riot. The Minister of Public Instruction went to Mos- cow, and after hearing the particulars of the outbreak, recommended the students to return to college. This sensible advice was taken. A few of the ringleaders were, however, expelled.

The Emperor has by an ukase organized a railway committee to con- sider and report on all questions connected with railways in Russia. The committee, over which Count Nesselrodo is to preside, is composted of Count StrogonofF, Baron Meyendorf, Baron Lieven, and the Engi- neer Generals Gersfeld, Todtleben, Timachoff, Molnikoff, and Kerbedz.

On 1.—A telegraphic despatch states that four of the Corfu mem- bers of the Ionian Parliament, "being convinced that a union with Greece is entirely out of the question," have promised Mr. Gladstone to be satisfied with reforms.

Telegraphic despatches state that Sir John Young has summoned the Ionian Parliament for the 25th. Mr. Gladstone will open it as provi- sional Lord'High Commissioner. According to advises from Corfu Mr.- Gladstone had called together the Deputies to a conference, the details of which the journals have published. All the Deputies demanded the revisal of the treaties of 1815 and the annexation of the Ionian Island, to Greece. They likewise refused to examine the proposed reforms before a solution of the pending question.

Surkr4.—The Assembly of Moldavia, in presence of the Consular Body, and presided over by the Metropolitan, have unanimously nomi- nated Colonel Alexander Couza as Hospodar. Everything passed with the greatest order. Couza is an Unionist. The Assembly had previously voted an address of thanks to the Powers, in which it was anew declared that Union was the object of the Moldavian propositions.

Stal ill—News from Bombay to the 24th December arrived in Lon- don on Friday. In Oude Lord Clyde had advanced from Lucknow by Byram Ghat to Baraitch, and Sir Hope Grant from Fyzabad had overrun Gonda. The troops of the Begum are described as completely surrounded, and the Begum herself as suing for terms. Nana Sahib had fled in a fright further into the north-western jungles; and dispirited sepoys were filing into Nepaul.

The rebel force that passed through the gap in our line in the Goomtee and crossed the Ganges into the Doab, was commanded by Farm Shah, and not Nana Sahib. In the Doab, Feroze Shah halted to besiege a friendly chief and Mr. Hume from Etawah brought up his levies and attacked him. Driven back by numbers, Mr. Hume retired into the fort. The rebels, followed by Brigadier Herbert from Cavrnpore who cut up their rearguard and deprived them of their only gun, crossed successively the Jumna, Chumbul, and Sind rivers, Herbert remaining in the Doab. Brigadier Sir Robert Napier, hearing at Gwalior of the movement of Feroze Shah, took with him 300 men, horse and foot, and, marching 140 miles in four days, headed the rebels at Runnode. Here he surprised them on the march, inflicted some loss, and turned them off towards Kotah. It is supposed that Fenno Shah was on his way to join Tantia Topee. That chief had pursued his astonishing career. Ho had marched from Limree to Banswarra, entered the Aravalli range for shel- ter, and when last heard of was menacing Pertaubghur. Many columni. were moving concentrically upon him. A number of rebel bands are still at large both north and south of the h

Nerbudda. In Bear they have been quieted.

A singular document, purporting to be a counter-proclamation issued by the Begum of Oude, has been published. It is a tissue of extremely adroit misrepresentations, and concludes with an appeal to the people for aid.

iffk 511111.--The Asia arrived at Liverpool on Sunday with advices from New York to the 5th January. Lord and Lady Bury were among her passengers.

The news is not of great importance. In the cue of the Wanderer the District Attorney-General of Savannah had instituted an inquiry, and subpcenas have been served upon Georgian planters supposed to be im- plicated. Some of the Southern papers publish leading articles denounce.

ing the slave-trade as heartily as an abolitionist could. Some of the "wild Africans" were taken to Alabama, and some are reported to be already " fugacious." The Constitution of Georgia declares that "no more slaves shall be imported into the state from Africa, or any foreign place." The statutes of the Legislature provide that if any are brought in they shall be seized by the state and sold ; the informer receiving a tithe of their value.

Mr. John Francis Nugent, an Irishman' and editor of a Californian paper, was recently sent by Mr. Secretary Cass, as "special agent" to Vancouver's Island and Bntish Columbia. His business ostensibly was to explain to American citizens their duties, and it might have been thought that he would have cooperated with the British authorities. Mr. Nugent was everywhere well and hospitably received ; he was re- called, and the English gave him a farewell dinner. Their astonishment may be conceived when they saw in print a circular addressed to the American citizens, telling them he has received numerous complaints of acts of oppression on the part of the colonial authorities, of whom he condescends to write in this strain-

" Much," he says, "is to be pardoned to the inexperience of an Execu- tive hitherto dealing for the most part with savages, and possibly unpre- pared, by previous training, for the more refined exigencies imposed by Go- vernmental relations with a white population." He further apologizes for the colonial authorities, in that "by reason of their long isolation from civi- lized society, and their habitual intercourse with Indians, they had un- learned most of the finer traits of humanity, and were scarcely accountable for a grossness of conduct that had become to them a second nature ; and, finally, much is to be excused in the ignorance and want of tone of Courts organised out of such crude and unfit materials as those." He instructs the Americans that their appeal lies to the Government at Washington. He says, "that the Government of the United States, upon proper cause being shown after recourse shall have been had in vain to the tribunals against acts of oppression or injustice, will so intervene for the redress and protec- tion of its citizens in British Columbia and Vancouver's Island, I am author- ised and instructed to give them the most emphatic assurance. If wrong be done them let them appeal to the courts. It is to be hoped they will obtain Justice. But, should those tribunals unfortunately be too impotent, too ig- norant, or too corrupt to administer the law with impartiality and firmness, our citizens may reckon with certainty upon the prompt and efficient inter- ference of their own Government in their behalf.'