22 JANUARY 1983, Page 18


Defending Mosley

Sir: I will not weary your readers with Mr Ian Waller's numerous errors of fact (most of which could have been avoided by a glance at a reference book) in his article 'Breaking the rules' (8 January). Inaccuracy is the norm of journalism. But he says he is `struck by the absence of any sense of guilt or even error, let alone contrition', in me for having followed Oswald Mosley's politics. A sense of error and guilt should more properly be felt by the politicians who have led England into its present situation. Not only a second-rate power, it is at the bottom of its own league. It is hardly a suc- cess story.

What has happened was foretold with remarkable accuracy by Mosley in his writings and speeches down the years, when he put forward alternative policies to those which have proved so disastrous for our country. It is not true that I went to Abbot- sholme Arts Society to attack anyone. I went because I was invited to speak about Oswald Mosley, and I was delighted and proud to accept.

Incidentally, the meeting made £500 for a local hospital.

Diana Mosley

Le Temple de la Gloire, Orsay, France