22 JULY 1843, Page 2

Although the renewed mildness of the Ministerial declarations about Ireland

appears to have baulked the aspiring orators of that imaginative country, and although Repealers, with a blustering en- deavour not to look ashamed, for the most part sneer at their own sanguinary inuendoes of a month or so back, the business part of the agitation—that part which is calculated to puff it and its rent, and gratify the self-importance of all subscribers—continues. Dr. HIGGINS, the titular Bishop of Ardagh, is a useful man, because he is not bound by scruples, which make many, even O'CoNNELL, slightly mitigate their hostile bearing. This right reverend father is impervious to concession : the proposal to renew diplomatic re- lations with Rome he treats with scorn and contumely ; he laughs at the proposal to recognize the titles of the Roman Church ; and he hints at the ulterior measure of an agitation against the payment of rents—landlord, not Repeal and O'Connell rents. The holy man's overflowing Christian zeal may come to nothing ; but it serves to keep up the idea among Repealers that there is something real and delightfully dangerous in the agitation. Should Bishop HIGGINS have jumped to O'CoNNELL's intended further plan, how- ever, it would be a very awkward agitation, especially for unpopular absentees and " Saxon" landlords. Some people abroad use the Irish agitation, to which they lend themselves, as a means of aug- menting their own importance ; a method of drawing accommoda- tion-bills to get up a show of political capital, which the great Agitator has worked before now, nearer home. Thus some French Republicans, who can scarcely devise safe opportu- nities of speaking their mind about French affairs, decree a subscription to the Repeal Rent throughout France ; and boast that they have formerly supplied nations with heads, hearts, and arms of the best qualities, on demand. It is one thing, how- ever, to decree a subscription, and another to pay it : the French do not like to pay even for their own wars, though they are prone enough to decree them. The President of the United States has a son, " BOBBY TYLER," who is said to be a zealous volunteer of O'CoNNELL's: perhaps BOBBY has a bright idea, that it is a ready if not the only way to make himself famous in the world, to pay for being inscribed in the Libro d'Oro of the Dublin Corn Ex- change. The person most to be chagrined by his bad taste and boyishness is his papa. The French Repealers had among their toasts, "The French Canadians, long victims, like the Irish, of English oppression." This cunning invitation to the French Canadians will go for no- thing; everybody feels that there is no fear of the colonists : but why P—Because "justice" has been done to the French Canadians as a people. Even BOBBY TYLER has nothing to say about them. How much it would strengthen the British Union and baffle Re- pealers, if " justice" could be done to the majority of the Irish !