22 JULY 1843, Page 6


Another Irish Judge has died—Dr. Radcliffe, Judge both in the Pre- rogative and Consistorial Courts. The Primate Beresford has the gift of the Judgeship in the Prerogative Court, the Archbishop of Dublin of the other.

At an extraordinary meeting of the Repeal Association, on Friday, Mr. O'Connell commented on the Commons debate on the state of Ire- land ; using it as a means of inviting recruits for the Repeal forces from among the landlords and the clergy of the Established Church !- It was conceded by both parties, as well as by their newspapers, that the Established Church could not remain, as regarded its temporalities, in its present position. Then, as to the landlords of Ireland, in what condition were they ? Sir Robert Peel, Lord John Russell, and every Tory in the House with the slightest pretensions to discernment upon Irish matters, agreed in declaring that the Irish landlords were deserving of censure, and that the relations between them and their tenantry required alteration. At present, the Re- peaters were disposed to respect vested rights, and dislike the idea of disturbing beneficed clergymen in the enjoyment of their emoluments ; which they would not require to be devoted to public purposes until after the death of those clergymen. But if the Protestant clergy of Ireland persevered in a course of inveterate hostility to their country—if, on occasions of elections, they ap- peared as the enemies of the peoples rights and continued to treat with con- tempt, indignity, and insult, the clergy of the people—he would not take upon him to guarantee that the people would consent to spare the interests of such men. With every feeling, therefore, of kindliness and good-will, he now in- vited the clergy and friends of the Protestant Church to join him. The land- lords should recollect, too, that now they might establish a plan of tenure more favourable to themselves than they could hereafter ; so that, for their own in- terests, as well as for the sake of justice, it behoved them to join him at the present moment. If they did so, and found him going too far, they would then have more power to resist him than if they had not joined. At the ordinary meeting of the Association on Tuesday, Mr. O'Con- nell disclaim. certain alleged agencies abroad : a person represented himself as agent for the Association in France ; but it has no agent abroad, " not even in America." The rent for the week was announced to be 1,4651.

The Dublin correspondent of the Morning Chronicle says- " I have learned that the money transmitted to the Repeal Association is periodically invested in the Government Securities. Last week the sum of 6,000/. was invested, in the New Three-and-a-half per Cents, by the broker of the Repeal Association. If the Repealers had any idea of rebellion, or con- templated any of the projects with which they have been charged by Lord


Lyndhurst, it is not very likely that they would trust their money in the Go- vernment Securities."

Mr. O'Connell held one of his great meetings at Tullamore, in King's Comity, on Sunday. There was nothing to distinguish it from its class. The numbers are estimated by one who seems a careful com- puter at 50,000, with as many more, who could not find room near the hustings, waiting in the town ; another account states the numbers pre- sent at 150,000. Mr. John Maher, whom Lord Chancellor Sngden retained in the commission of the peace, presided at the meeting ; the titular Bishop of Meath at the dinner. Mr. O'Connell alluded with satisfaction to the more subdued tone of the debate on Ireland. At the dinner, Dr. Higgins, titular Bishop of Ardagh, though come from a bed of sickness, was vigorous in his language. He reprobated the project of renewing diplomatic relations with Rome— England proposed sending an Ambassador to Rome, and bestowing titles on the Bishops, which they already had from a holier source. These, it ap- peared, were all the acts of conciliation which that club of landlords, errone- ously dubbed a Parliament, had to offer. Did they think that an English Am. baseador could feed or clothe those whom they had pauperized, and were starv- ing to death? Another thing connected with this fantastic project showed that England's stupidity was equal to her bigotry. Did the English people really believe that the Catholic Bishops of Ireland would not give to the mer- cenary wretch that might be selected as Ambassador to Rome his real title of " English spy "? • • * " Let the Ambassador to Protestant or Catho- lic, 1 care not which, if the Catholic be an Englishman."

He vindicated the Roman Catholic Bishops as moderators of the po- pular temp

Did the English nation know, that when the Catholic Bishops of Ireland joined for Repeal, instead of the aristocracy asking what they would do with the people, the people were asking what they would do with the aristocracy ? or, that before they joined for Repeal, nothing was more familiar among the exasperated inhabitants of this country than the notion of beginning an agi- tation against rents ? • • • Instead of encouraging that notion, the Ca- tholic Bishops of Ireland turned the feelings of the people into a peaceful agitaiiwa for Repeal ; and if that Repeal is long withheld, / ant not the man to prevent an agitation against rents, which, once begun, will soon shake the empire to its centre."

Mr. Sergeant Murphy has expressed his determination not to join the Repeal Association. He is disposed to favour a Local Legislature for local purposes.

The results of some Assize trials at Monaghan may be mentioned. James Clarke was tried for inflicting a mortal wound on John M'Caf- frey, during the riot at Clones on the 21st April ; and he was acquit- ted. Peter M'Cabe, indicted for riot and an assault on Mr. William Stewart Trench, agent to Mr. Shirley, at Carrickmacross, on the 3d April, was acquitted. The notorious Sam Gray, after four trials for the offence, was at length convicted of firing at James Cunningham, in 1840, with intent to kill him ; and his son was convicted of subornation of perjury.

Mr. Fayle, the Postmaster of Enniscothy, who had been collecting cess at Carnew, Clonegall, and New tovrnbarry, was shot on Thursday the 13th; and be has since died.