22 JULY 1876, Page 1


THE latest news from the seat of war is slightly favourable to the Servians. According to the telegraph agency of St. Petersburg, Prince Nikita, with his Montenegrins, has carried the heights above Mostar, the capital of the Herzegovina, where Mukhtar Pasha has concentrated his forces. At the same time, the Ames' correspondent, who, with the correspondent of the Daily News, has been admitted into the camp of Prince Milan at Parakin, near Alexinatz, telegraphs that Duchich, a fighting Servian priest, who is trying, with a flying column of 3,000 men, to join the Montenegrins, was, on the 20th inst., furiously attacked by the Turks. He completely defeated them, and pursued them up to their intrenchments at Nova Karosch, on the Drina. It would appear, therefore, that the Times' correspondent at Ragusa, who complains of Nikita's inaction, was misinformed, and that on the side of the Herzegovina the Servians and their allies are moderately successful. From the remaining districts we have no authentic intelligence, though another engagement has been fought near Saitschar, but it is believed that a large part of Tchernaieff's army is marching to assist Leschjanin in his defence on the Timok. As the correspondents have arrived, we shall, next week, see the mist which covers the campaign rise a little.