22 JULY 1911, Page 1

Germany is foolish enough to imagine, as we have explained

elsewhere, that because the Liberal Government and the Liberal Party are pacific in intention and would like to be on better terms with her, as of course would the Unionist Party also, the Liberals are ready to desert France. The German Government believe, no doubt rightly, that they would have obtained a tremendous advantage if public proof could be given of British willingness to desert France. They Could then play upon French suspiciousness and ultimately 'bring a weakened and disheartened France into their political orbit. If France could be persuaded that we are ready to cut the rope which binds the three Powers, she would be justi fled in cutting it herself and getting free from such false and.. dangerous friends. People here, confident in their own good faith, will find it difficult to imagine that this is the mother thought behind German action; yet such is the case.