22 JULY 1911, Page 1


THE domestic crisis must this week give precedence to that in foreign affairs, for the latter has become infinitely the more anxious and dangerous. We have pointed out elsewhere that in the circumstances Britain has one essential duty, and that is to maintain in the fullest and most loyal way the entente with France. This is not only the path of national honour but of national safety. In face of the peril caused to the peace of the world by Germany's policy it behoves Russia, France, and Britain to hold together. If they do the peace of the world will be pre- served, for Germany could never carry her allies with her in attacking all three Powers together and she would not attack them by herself. We must not forget that for the present, at any rate, Germany does not want war, but merely desires to use her great military and naval strength to obtain the results of war without its sacrifices. The way to meet such a policy is firmness. If Russia and Britain tell Germany that they do not mean to allow France to be victimized there will be no war. If they were not to be firm it is by no means certain what might be the ultimate result. We should be tempting Germany to still further provocations—provocations which in the end would have to be resisted.