22 JULY 1911, Page 2

Another speech which must be mentioned was that of the

Archbishop of Canterbury. It was in form and substance worthy of the occasion and of the speaker. In effect it was an appeal to the Government not to insist on their pound of flesh. If we thought it was anything but a waste of words we should be only too .glad to echo that appeal. Unfortunately, however, it is absolutely clear that the Government do mean to have their full pound of flesh, and therefore words are useless. And for this reason. They are already in the position of which Lord Lansdowne spoke. They are not free agents, but are acting under the compulsion of their composite majority. We may wonder that they con- sent to hold office at such a price ; but since they do consent, and since it is obvious that no words of ours will alter their willingness to do so, argument is futile. We have got to face the facts as they are and not as we should like them to be.