22 JULY 1911, Page 3

On Wednesday the King and Queen were present at the

dedication of the new chapel of the Order of the Thistle at St. Giles's Cathedral, when Lord Mar and Kellie and Lord Reay were installed. Afterwards Their Majesties laid stones at Usher Hall, which is to be used chiefly for civic, purposes and music. On Thursday the King held a review, which in- cluded an inspection of some 4,000 Scottish Veterans. It is not stated whether these men were properly enrolled members of the Veteran Reserve or merely a gathering of old soldiers. If they were only the latter, it is to be hoped that the various Scottish Territorial Associations concerned will lose no time in getting the men's names and addresses on the registers which it is now the duty of each Territorial Association to prepare. Proper organization is essential to the success of the Veteran Reserve movement.