22 JULY 1911, Page 3

The campaign in Yemen, like that in Albania, has not

been going well lately for the Turks. A Reuter telegram published on Monday says that the Arabs had appeared in great force at Loheia, had seized the water supply, and were threatening the town. A similar situation was reported from Gezan. The British subjects had telegraphed to Hodeidah for protection, and the authorities were mounting guns to defend the town. It will be remembered that the Turkish troops recently recoiled upon Gezan. The lists of casualties in that disaster have since been published at Constantinople and admit that 1,100 men were killed. A Reuter message also states that Mahomed Ali Pasha's expedition has ended in the opening of negotiations with Syed Idris, who demands to be recognized as Amir of Assyr. If this be true the expedition has been an utter failure.