22 JULY 1911, Page 3

The ex-Shah of Persia has landed at Gumesh Tepe with

a small following, which includes his brother Shua-es-Sultaneh. This evidently means a definite attempt to regain the throne. The Teheran correspondent of the Times says that when the ex-Shah left Odessa lately it was supposed that he was going to Carlsbad, but he has been intriguing with the Turcomans for some time, and his intentions are now plain. When he was deposed Russia undertook to prevent him from intriguing, and it was stipulated that if he did so he should forfeit his pension. The correspondent says that Russians in Persia openly express satisfaction at the prospects of the ex-Shah's return. A new Cabinet has been formed at Teheran, with the Sipahdar as Premier, and it appears to be determined to oppose firmly the movements of the ex-Shah. The people and Press of the capital are behind the Government.