22 JULY 1916, Page 2

We note with satisfaction that the War Savings Week organized

by the War Savings Committee has achieved good results. We have dealt elsewhere with the subject as a whole, but must dwell here upon a most unfortunate omission in an otherwise excellent letter which the papers publish from Mr. McKenna. As always happens with Ministerial pronouncements on this subject, we miss any suggestion for the disuse of alcohol. Yet Mr. McKenna must know, as everybody else knows who has given the matter any thought, that an enormous sum might be saved to the country if people would voluntarily adopt the policy of " Down Glasses during the War." We should save a huge sum in money every week, and we should set free an enormous number of men now employed in manufacturing, transporting, and retailing liquor for munitions or other essential work. Beyond and above all this we should stop the use of a sedative which unquestionably slows down the physical machine.