22 JULY 1960, Page 16


Stn,—The initial response to the appeal by the Trustees of the Arts Theatre for an endowment fund in commemoration of Lord Keynes's services to his country and to Cambridge has been very encouraging. Letters have come from all over England, recalling with gratitude happy evenings spent in the theatre during the war and since. Donations of £1,000 from the Bank of England in recognition of Keynes's work at the Treasury and Bretton Woods, a like sum from the University and from the Arts Council, £500 from Trinity College, St. John's College and Clare College, and splendid support from the Pro- vincial Insurance Company, with which Lord Keynes was associated (£5.000 gross under Covenant and the same again When the fund reaches £50,000), all these have laid a firm foundation for the appeal's success.

Before appealing to the Charitable Trusts con- cerned with culture and education, the Trustees asked some of the leading industrialists of the city and region to organise an appeal to all local firms and businesses to support the theatre as an essential factor in the happiness and education of the whole com- munity of 'town and gown.' The result has been most heartening, and an encouraging number of firms have made donations, or entered into covenants, The Trustees intend to invite one or more representatives of Cambridge industry to serve on the Trust and advise on matters of policy and finance. Furthermore. it should be, noted by those who contribute to the endowment fund, that the Arts Theatre Trust has the advantage of the wise and informed counsel in the matter of investment which is enjoyed by King's College.

We have made a good start, and it is the first step that counts. But we have a long way to go. Please give generously and please make the appeal known to any friends of the 'living' theatre, which is facing a grave crisis.--Yours faithfully,


Chairman of Trustees


Provost of King's College (Trustee) The Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust 'PO Box 17, 6 St Edward's Passage, Cambridge