22 JULY 1960, Page 16

Stn.—Nye Bevan couldn't very easily have enjoyed Dover sole and

Chablis at Prunier's in St. James's during his student days as related by Desmond Donnelly. Madame Prunier didn't open her London establishment until 1935.-:—Yours faithfully, Milano, Via General Fara. 41143


[Desmond Donnelly writes: 'The story was Aneurin Bevan's- own. On checking 1 find that Prunier's was not opened until January, 1935, so Bevan's recollection of the actual restaurant must have been wrong. However, Madame Prunier tells me that he was a regular visitor there. Furthermore, the central point of the story remains unchanged; Bevan enjoyed the good things in life and was pre- pared to stint himself in order to have them.'— Editor, Spectator.]