22 JUNE 1833, Page 10

We have reason to attach credit to the statement contained

in the following paragraph from last night's Sun. We have reason to attach credit to the statement contained in the following paragraph from last night's Sun.

" It is said that his Majesty, as the Head of the Church. has addressed a strong letter of remonstrance. through the Arehb;shop of Canterbury. to the Bench of Bishops, and especially to the six or seven who distinguished themselves by their vote on the Portuguese question, relative to their conduct under the present critical circumstances of the nation, expressing iris surprise that they should expose themselves to the im- putation of acting from factious and worldly motives,—thus sacrificing all claim to the respect of the religious community, and exposing the Church to the danger or losing its influence, by their being untimely driven by the power or public opinion from their seats iu Parliament. if their votes, as Spiritual Peers, were not regulated by more dis- cretion and attention to tine signs of the times 1" This is another proof of the firmness and sincerity with which the King supports his Ministers. Would to God the Ministers possessed equal firmness! Their concession last night on the Irish Church Temporalities Bill exhibits on the face of it great weakness ; but we will read the discussion with more attentive consideration than we can spare for it at the present moment.—Titres, June 22.