22 JUNE 1839, Page 2

The Foreign iutelligence of the week may be summed up

in a few lines.

Preparations for the trial of the prisoners in the last emeute oc- cupied the attention of the Parisians, but seem not to have quelled the spirit of the disaffected. The Moniteur Republiceine has again appeared. It has been thrust under the doors of private dwellings and public offices ; and at daybreak, placards, again inciting per- sons to murder the King, were pasted on columns in the Boule- vards. The police have been unable to discover the place whence these publications issue. In some instances exhortations to rebel- lion were written on the columns with a kind of paint which it was very difficult to rub off: Eastern affairs are the subject of much speculation in the French capital ; and the Moniteur announces that two ships of the line have been despatched from Toulon to reinforce the squadron in the Levant, under Admiral LALANDE.