22 JUNE 1844, Page 19



Dunkerley and Sharrocks, Chorlton-upon Medlock, drapers—Weiton and Bligh, Woodbridge, Suffolk, surgeons—Corns and Sou. Wolverhampton, maltsters—Etuithope and Co. Benthall, Shropshire, potters—Goslin and Downs, Battersea, maltsters- Holmes and Pink, Poplar, brewers—Holden and Co. Bristol, sugar-refiners—Kent and Co. Manchester, smallware-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Hiltou—Hattersley• and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, top manufacturers ; as far as regards G. E. Douisthorpe —Flockhart and Co. Feuchurch Street, wine merchants ; as fax as regards J. Side- botham—Neale and Son, Reigate, brewers ; as faz as regards T. Neale senior—Belle, and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brewers ; as far as regards W. Dixou—W. and S. Dow- ding junior, Westbury, clothiers—Ausdell and Co. Auderton, salt-manufacturers—Lea and Co. Birmingham, maltsters. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW war.

Beck, Harrow Road, smith—Stott, Leeds, attorney—Leech. Mottram in Longdendsle. Cheshire, innkeeper—Hancock, Stretford, Lancashire, butcher—Walker, Little Bolton., out of business—Massey. Stockport, victualler—Johnsou, Type Street, saddler--Eaton, Henry Street. Portland Town, carpenter —Shephard, Woodtbrd Bridge, bricklayer— Hobson, Northampton, cooper—Facon, Gloucester Terrace, Chelsea—Tweed, Wells. Street, Cripplegate, traveller—Seale, Clehonger. Herefordshire. out of business—Way, Southsea, baker—Taylor, Newcastle Place, Paddington, assistant to a coffeehouse- keeper—Ford, Molten Street, Oxford Street, jeweller—Roberta junior, Mapes Street, Bethnal Green. beer-retailer—Coveney, Ely, teacher of music—Parkin. Elizabeth Street South, Pimlico, accountant—Abbott, Vauxhall Street, potter—Neale. Great Sot-. ton Street, Clerkenwell, watch-gilder —Banyard, Earl Sahara, Suffolk, saddler—Ross, King Street, Westminster, clerk—Cato, Wellington Street, Kingslaud Road, wine- cooper —Gardener, Stones' End, eatinghouse-keeper —Bradbeer, Upper Southwick Street. Edgeware Road, carpenter.


WARD, F. H., Arbour Terrace, Commercial Road, tallow-chandler.


DRAY, Wirsam EDWARD, Heathfield, Sussex, grocer, to surrender July 4. 25: solici- tors, Lofty and Potter, King Street, City ; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. Hotaretn, Jourr. 13itxted, Sussex, draper, June 28, July 26: solicitors. Lofty and Potter, King Street, City ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street. LEAVER, THOMAS. Great Crixnell, Berkshire, baker, June 27, July 26 : so1id8om.7 Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's ion Fields; Mr. Haines, Farringdou, Berks; ogimals assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. Peacoat, Hussy and JOHN, Stockton-upon-Tees, grocers, July 5, Aug. 5: sollcitOM,

Messrs. Chisholme and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mr. Marie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Neecastle-upon-Tyne.


Julys% Ba'tye, Courtenay Terrace, Kiugsland, lineudraper-July 5, Stevens, New Cut. dealer in china-July 9. Mason and Scott. Leeds, booksellers-July 11, Bromley, Gray's Inn Square, scrivener-July II, Andrews, Threadneedle Street. stockbroker- July 11, Andrew, Little Earl Street. Seven Dials, victualler-July 11. Carruthers. Manchester. distiller-July 12, Breasley. Leeds, victualler-July 10. Gibson. Lindsey. Lincolnshire, grocer-July 30. J. T. sod W. Bradley, Leeds, Ironmougers-July 10, Barraclough. Bradford, Yorkshire. timber-merchant-Aug. 2, Walsh, Aldermanbury, warehouseman-July 9. Burgess, Manchester, beer-seller-July 2, Hilton and Walsh, Over Darwen, Lancashire, paper-makers-July 2, II. and E. Hilton, Oa en Damen, Lancashire. bleachers-July 10. Hellewell, Salford, dyer-July 10. May, Corsham, Wiltehire. victualler-July 9, S. and W. T. Clough, Eccleston, alkali-mauufacturers- July 8, Robson, Shelley Bridge, Durham, miller.


To be gragted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

July 9, Palmer. Mincing Line. colonial-broker-July 9, Syer, Bridge Street, Black- friars, undertaker-July 9, Fuller. Gutter Lane. warehouseman-July 12, Gibson, Kir- ton. Lincolnshire. grocer -July 10. Bradley. Leeds, ironmonger-July 12. Mallalieu, Halifax, cottou-spiutier-July 8, Roby, Manchester, coffeehouse-keeper.

To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or befiwe July 9.

Brown. Weytnouth, tea dealer-Lewia junior, Axbridge. Somersetshire, baker-Bry- son, Addle Street. commission agent-Httchcock. Tauuton. miller-Pearce. Meaford, Staffordshire, miller-Mitchell, Nottingham, fellmonger-Bomford, Cheltenham. hay. dealer-Turner. Daventry, ironmonger-Ord, Durham, linendraper-Ball. Goodge Street. cabinet-maker-Amos. Kingslatid Road. builder-Grove. Birmingham, grocer -IL and J. Caldecott. Manchester, silk mercers-Cuuningtou, Newport. Monmouth- shire, builder-Alexander, Pendleton, brewer.


Marks and Barnett. Liverpool, tailors; third div. of 3/d. June 27, or any subsequent Thursday. and first din, of 20s. on the separate estate of S. Barnett, on June 20, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazeuave, Liverpool-Berrill, Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of 4s. 2d. June 20, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Petrie, Bedlington, Durham, miller ; first div. of 7d. June 22, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Neweastle-upnu-Tyne-G. and J. Wilkinson, Bishop Auckland, Durham, carrier.; first div. of 3s. 6d..lune 22, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, New- castle-upon Tyne-Sealby, Kest, irk, edge-tool-manufacturer ; second and final div. of ls. 91d. (in addition to 3s. pre, iously declared) June 22. or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne-Reesby. Stamford. miller ; first. div. of 3s. 3d. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham- M'Kinlay and Mans Silver Street. City, recti- fiers; final div. of Is. 4d. aud first and final die- of 20s. on the separate estate of R. M•Kiulay, any Saturday: Mr. Green. Aidermaubury-Hopkins, Tenney Street, currier; final slits of 2/d. any Saturlay ; Mr. Green. Aldermatibury-R. and R. D. Dunn. Wakefield, corn- factors ; second div. of 5d. and first div. of 5s. 8d. on the separate estate Of R. Duun. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds-Metcalf, Middlesbrough. corner; first and final div. of Ad. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hope. Leeds-Waddington, Boston, York- shire, grocer ; first die. or 3s. auy Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds- Robinson. Beverley. lineudmper ; first div. of 91d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Haile, Leeds-J. and W. Green. Wetberbv, timber merchants ; second and final div. of Is. ad. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hope. Leeds - M Kay, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturer; first div. of 3s. 4d. any Tuesday ; Mr. Frame, Leeds-Gray, Leeds. woolstapler ; first and final div. of 12s. Id. any Tuesday ; Mr. Frame. Leeds-S. and B. Musgrove. Leeds. dyers ; second and foal div. of 111d., first and fi sal div. of Is. 3d. oh the separate estate of S. Mus- grove, and first and final div. of Is. 4d. on the separate estate of B. Musgrove, any Tuesday; Mr. Hope. Leeds-Lark. Seymour Street, Easton Square, boot-maker ; first div. of Is. 5d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Penuell, Basinghall Street.


BRYSON, J , Bathgate, Linlithgowshire, grazier, June 21, July 12.

Friday, June 21.


Serhourg and Borernan, Adelaide Street, Strand, embroiderers-H. and R. Andrews, Salford. dealers its music-Haden and Co. Sheffield. classonerchauts-Myers and Wil- son. Hull, masons-Saxon and Prince, City Road Basin, coal-merchants- Robotham and Co. Leeds, libendrapers -Bowman and Co. Manchester-Tucker aud Hatton, Li- verpool, shipwrights-Wsrdley and Mayer, Liverpool, silversmiths--Stobart and Co. Alston. Cumberland, assents-Taylor and Co. Lancaster, stouemasuus ; as far as regards J. Slinger-Ross, Brothers, Liverpool-Walker and Giltou, Liverpool, printing-ink manufacturers.


Peachey senior. Tooley Street, meat-salesman-Niess, Stafford Place, Pimlico, clerk -Taylor. Lewisham, stadoner-Reickers, Margaret Street. Wilmington. Square, green- grocer-Higgius, Sheffield, beer-house-keeper-Board, Lovegrove Street, Old Kent Road. bricklayer-Mopsey. Baker's Row. Walworth, out of busiuess-Castle, Princes Square, St. George's in the East. commission-agent Marpeth Street. Bethual Green. out of bueiness-Prout, Castle Court. Corubill. hairdresser-Scriven, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire, brewer-Cox senior. Nest ington Causeway, retail.dealer's assistant -Gudgin. Canterbury. gun-maker-Nutman, Hilliugdou, brick-maker-Woodlands, Princes Street, Bedford Row, carpenter-Horsnell. Roxwell. Essex, butcher-Uas- worth, Wigan, out of business-Gates. Peckham, saddler.


Caevati, GEORGE, Wakefield, maltster, to surreuller July 2, 23 : solicitors. Messrs. Scott and Tahourdio, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Messrs. Taylor awl Westmorelaud. Wake- field; official assignee, Mr. Hope. Leeds.

Heamoon. Grult9E. Chester, draper. July 9. 30; solicitors, Mr. Abbott. Charlotte Street, Bedford Square; Messrs. LittIrdale and Bardswell, Liverpool ; Messrs. Ben- nett, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. HERON. EDWARD, Hartlepool, butcher, July 1, Aug. 5: solicitors, Mr. Milton, South- ampton Building.; Mr. Poole, Hartlepool ; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle- upon-Ts ne.

Moweimv. Wrs,Lrrsss, Wheathampstead, butcher. Jane 26, July 24 : solicitors, Messrs. Sharp arid Field, Bedford Row; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basingliali Street, Sarni. Joan, Southampton. conpmerchaut. June 27, Aug. 5; solicitors, Messrs. Powuall and Cross, Staple Ion; Messrs. Boyle and Co. Lymington ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Colemau Street.

&reser, GEORGE, Pleasant Place, Southampton Street, Camberwell. builder, July 4, Aug. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Parker and Cu, Gray's Inn ; official assignee. Mr. Tur- quand, Old Jewry Chambers, SWEETLAND, MART, John Street. Fitzroy Square, baker, July 5. 25; solicitors, Messrs. Shearman and Slater, Great Tower Street; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane.

TUCKER, Jong. Sutton Street. Commercial Road East, shipowner, June 28. Aug. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Maples and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder- maubury.


July 9, 'leathern. Abcliurch Lane. shipowner -July 12, West, Shoreditch, grocer- July 12, J. and J. Gale, Love Lane. Shadwoll, rope-makers-July 12, Chambers, Pe- terbirough. liquor-merchant-July 12, Beard, Beech Street, Barbican, leather seller- July 12. Milner, Brook Street. New Road, engine-manulacturer-July 12, Skinner. Thatcham, Berkshire. brewer-July 12, Davis, Bristol. scrivener-July 24. Spink, Hit. lam. Yorkshire, farmer-July 15. Todd, Manchester, cottou-dealer-July 16, Nall, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, grocer-July 16, Dank., Wednesbury, screw-manufacturer- July 11., Southern, Birmingham, grocer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrury, on the day of meeting. July 12, Knight, Chichester, victualler-July 12. Diment, and Grimes. Bristol, plas- teners-July 11. Little. Liserpool, stay-manufacturer-July 11. Across smith, Burnley, mercer-July 11, Slack, Manchester, filtering-machine-manufacturer-July 11, Povey, Ashton-under- Lyric, grocer.

To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or be6we Julg 12. Parkes and Menders u. Duke Street. Lincoln's Inn Fields. carpenters-Paddon, Hartlepool, chemist-Watsou, Camomile Street. Bishopsgate Street, victualler-Lopez, Crutchedfriars, wine-merchant-Williams, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, flannel ITHUM- facturer-Kelson. Canterbury, builder-Milner, Brook Street. New Road, engiue- manufacturer- Wilkinson, King Street, Holborn, boot-maker-Phillips, Southampton Street, Strand, priut-seller.


B. and J. Campion. Whitby, bankers ; third div, of le. any Tuesday ; Mr. Fearne, Leeds-Orbell, Romford, victualler ; first div. of' 3s 6d. June 26. and two following Wednesday.; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane-Woodall, Bishopegate Street Without, leosallendraper ; first and final div. of 2s. 6d. Jane 26, and two &Bowing Wedneadays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Cheesmau and Co. Brighton. chinamen • first div. of lOss June 24, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Alsager. Birchin Lane -111:tyley. Abingdon, draper ; first div. of 10s. June 24, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Alsager, Bachiu Lane.


Rosser.. J.. Leith. builder, June 26, July 17.