22 JUNE 1850, Page 12


Broca Excite:vox, FRIDAY Avransoos.

The English Stock Market has been steady, with an upward tenden and in the course of yesterday the price of Consols reached 961 falling however, 1 per cent before the close of business. This morning, in conse- quence of the proceedings of last night in the House of Commons, the open- mg price was 1 per cent below the last price of yesterday,--namely, 951 96; and, after being at 951 /, the closing quotation is 951 96,'the samd as in the morning. The transactions of the week have not been very important; though a disposition to sell Stock has been occasionally apparent, excited evidently by the state of domestic polities. Money Continue's abundant, and

there is no change in the rate of discount. • •

In the Foreign, Market, the prices of the Northern European and Dutch Stocks have advanced; Russian Scrip having been as high as 41 per cent premium, and the Stock as 971, while Dirnish Scrip has been at 10 premium, and the Stock at 100. Both varieties of Dutch Stock have advanced about 1 per cent, in consequence of demand in Holland, where the longer circulation of the old 10 guilder piece has been prohibited; this coin, which has been long current, haying been called in, rind consequently: ceased to be a legal tender. Large masses of this coinage,' which bad pre- viously been hoarded, have been set free ; hence a sudden addition , to the general circulating medium, and the improvement in the prices of the. Funds at Amsterdam already noticed. All these Northern and Dutch Securities are today slightly lower than yesterday. Mexican Stock was at one period 21 per cent lower than last week; the price having fallen from 32 to 294. An improvement of abisut 1 per cent has occurred; the price this afternoon being 29/.301. The excitm.g. cause of the downward movement was the receipt of intelligence from Mexico stating that the Government had de- termined upon postponingbiill Tune the consideration of the law for the pro- lleged appropriation of 2;800,000 donors to conversion of the de and the alleged ors to the general purposes of the state, said to form a portion of 3,500,000 dollars specially pledged to the Bondholders arising from one of the instal- ments of the American indemnity-money. Since this became knoWn, about 76,000 dollars have been received on account of the dividends. It is also stated that the 3,500,000 pledged to Bondholders are to be taken from the instalments of the American indemnity, payable in 1851 and 1852 ; and that, by the appropriation alluded to, the -Mexican Government have not com- mitted any breach of faith. These second thoughts have had but little effect upon the value of the Stock. The transactions in Portuguese and Spanish Stocks have been unimportant ; the prices of both being nearly the same as last week.

The Railway Shares are generally lower. The fall in the principal Shares has not exceeded 11. except in the case of the South-western, which are from 31. to 41. lower. The only reason assigned for this depression is the occur- rence of some very large sales, said to be made on account of a gentleman who is believed to be very well informed as to the condition of the company in question. The business in Foreign Shares has been limited and the fluc- tuations have consequently been insignificant. Sa.vennar TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The announcement reported to have been made, by General La Ilitte to the French Chambers of the conclusion of the dispute lretween this Govern- ment and France respecting the Greek question, and the consequent return of M. Drouyn de Lhuys to London, produced a favourable effect upon the prices of Government Securities. Consols opened at 96/ 1 for Account, but are now 4 lower, the present quotation being 961. No business of import- ance has, however, occurred either in the English or Foreign Funds. The bitter are generally firmer than yesterday. There is no material variation in Railway Shares ; in which as yet the transactions have been insignificant. SATURDAY Two o'CLocu.

Upon the publication of intelligence from the United States of the arrest of General Lopez, the brigand chief of the recent piratical expedition against Cuba, by the American authorities, Consols, which-had been' to to 4, improved to and close at the opening price, 96/ 1. Scarcely any business of importance has occurred. The business in Foreign Funds has been unimportant, having been confined to the following. bargains—Mexican, 30; Russian Four-and-a- half per Cents, 974; Ditto Scrip, g premium ; Spanish Active, 174 4; Dutch- Two-and-a-half per Cents, 58 584. The Railway Share. Market is rather firmer than yesterday. We cannot note any transactions in South-western. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 94 9 ; Caledonian, 84 9; Ditto 1S■ew 101s, Preference, 6; Eastern Counties New Preference 6 per Cent, 114; Ditto Northern and Eastern, 58 ; Great Northern' 101 ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 294 ; Great Western, 5981 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 83/ 3 1 ; New Guaranteed 6 per Cents, 1371 •, London and North-western ' 1094 8/ ; Midland, 36/ ; Ditto 501. Shares, 31 ; North Staf- fordshire, 64 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 91 9 ; South-eastern and Dover, 144; Yorl Newcastle, and Berwick, 15; Ditto G. N. E. Pur chase or Preference, 3i ; York and North Midland, 1614 ; Ditto, Prefe- rence, 74 ; Northern of ranee, 134.

3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents' 71 3 Ditto for Account 96 Dutch 21 per Cents 58 9 8 per Cent Reduced 4 Ditto 4 per Ceuta 86 9

3* per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents 1848... 291 304, Long Annuities 8 16 j Peruvian 6 per rents 77 8 Bank Stock 209 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 34 5 Exchequer Bills 87 70

Portuguese 4 per Cents 1824.

85 87 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 107 9 Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 9 Spanish (ActiVe) 5 per Cents. 174

Belgian 44 per Cents

87 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

38 9

C an 6 per Cents 98 100 Venezuela 31 3 Danish 5 per Cents 98 100