22 JUNE 1850, Page 9


The anniversary of Waterloo was grandly celebrated at Portsmouth. Lord Adolphus Fitzclarence presented the inhabitants, through the Mayor and Corporation, with statues of Nelson and Wellington to ornament the esplanade on Southsea beach ; where they have been erected. Lord Gough, a visitor in the town, was presented with an address by the Cor- poration; and new colours were presented to the Twenty-eighth Foot, by Lady Armlets. Fitzclarence. About three thousand troops were reviewed on Southsea Common; Lord Gough brigading them and putting them through some field-manceuvres. In the afternoon, the Queen's yacht approaching the shore, on her Majesty's return from Osborne to London, the whole force was marched simultaneously to the beach, in picturesque unity of action, and fired a feu-de-joie as the vessel was rapidly guided through a channel marked out specially for the occasion. In the evening, athletic sports of all sorts closed the anniversary.

A diabolical attempt to burn a lady to death has been made near Exeter. Lady Kirkcudbright, who is universally respected for her kindness to the poor, has been residing for some time in the vicinity of the city : the other night, she was aroused by a crackling noise and a smell of tobacco ; but pre- sently all was quiet, and she went to sleep again. In the morning, her ser- vants found that her bedroom-door had been screwed down on the outside, hay had been forced under it, and then a lighted cigar applied. The mis- creant perpetrator has not yet been discovered. The body of a woman, with a young child tied to it by a piece of calico, has been found in the river Irwell, near Manchester. The bodies were not recognized before interment: the woman wore a wedding-ring.