22 JUNE 1895, Page 23

Stray Sketches in Chaktnakpore. By Nagesh Wishwanith Pai, B.A. (Kane,

Bombay.)—This volume will be found to be one of

no small interest. We know pretty well how Indian persons and things appear to European observers ; here, for a change, we have some sketches taken from a native point of view. Some of the subjects hardly come within the usual purview of a Western observer. He might not, for instance, be so much behind the scenes as to mark the instructive revelation about the " Bairagee," or " Holy Man." The " Street Preacher" is an interesting sketch. An Indian street-crowd might give a lesson in politeness to the people of Cork. " The Smart Student" shows that Mr. Pai does not shut his eyes to some of the follies of his countrymen. On the whole, this book is well worth reading.