22 JUNE 1901, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—The Spectator has always gone for a strong Navy. Where are the men to come from at the present if the increase of ships continues ? Now I see in our Auckland Herald a quotation from the Daily Graphic to the effect that out of every pound of revenue Great Britain devotes the sum of 4e. 4d. to Imperial naval defence ; Australia, also New Zealand, only about lid., and mighty Canada absolutely nothing! For years we have begged the Admiralty for an old vessel or two for training-ships here. We are good sailors, but it is ever non possumus, in other words "Pooh, pooh ! " Look at our ready-made soldiers in South Africa,—absolutely begged for. Once that was but "Pooh, pooh!" Surely England's eyes are now open !—I am, Sir, &c., Hamilton, New Zealand, April 29th. THOMAS OEILKE.