22 JUNE 1901, Page 3

These speeches and Monday's division are believed in many quarters

to make the split in the Liberal party per- manent, but we neither expect nor desire any such result The wrangling will go on, bizt there will be no formal oz irrevocable disruption; and some day a leader will arise who will issue the order, "Close up the ranks, and follow me," and will be obeyed. Can such a leader be found in Mr. Asquith ? He certainly has the high character, the resolu- tion, and the courage that fit him for leadership, but whether he has the originality of mind, the personal magnetism, and the belief in a mission to rule which leadership also demands we do not feel sure. In any case, as we have said, the split will only remain a split till the leader arrives. Then the hounds will cease fighting and- snarling among themselves, and will follow the prey that is shown them by the huntsman.