22 JUNE 1907, Page 3

Mr. Deakin, speaking on the Imperial Conference at Perth (Western

Australia) on Wednesday, eulogised the great practical sagacity and fine frankness of Sir H. Campbell.Bannerman, the acumen and fairness of Lord Elgin, the courtesy of their colleagues, and also of the Leader and the members of the Opposition. The official pricis squeezed through the keyhole of the door bolted against the public and barred against the Press had led to misunderstandings in Australia ; but when the Australian delegates turned to public gatherings with open doors, they "met with a most gratifying response." In conclusion, Mr. Deakin declared that the Conference was a triple success "first, before its meeting, owing to the interest and expectancy kindled, and next, owing to its definite success in the work accomplished in session. Yet perhaps the greatest success of all was when the members spoke straight to the people of the Mother-country, apart from and above all local politics, as citizens of the Empire, united by many mutual interests in one high destiny."