21 JUNE 1945, Page 13


Stn,—I read in your issue of May 18th, which I have just received, that Strategicus's weekly articles are about to cease. Unless a more able pen than mine has already publicly expressed the thanks of thousands If your readers may I be permitted to do so?

I know that I am but speaking for many when I say that week by week (without a break, as you have mentioned), Strategicus has discussed and explained Allied and enemy serattaty so lucidly, forcibly and intrigu- ingly that he must have succeeded where many other writers have failed. I have been able, as a war-time soldier, to study his articles from the military and the civilian viewpoint, and I have often -been deeply im- pressed by the way he has achieved a unity of both—not too simple for the trained military mind, note too deep for the untrained civilian mind. He has enabled the ordinary reader to understand the war.

May Strategicus have the satisfaction of knowing that his articles have been a notable contribution to journalism during the European War and an inestimable benefit to readers of The Spectator. It is good to know that he will from time to time still be analysing the Japanese war.—Yours [It is only Strategicus' regular weekly articles that are discontinued ; he will still be writing frequently in our columns.—En., The Spectator.)