22 JUNE 1996, Page 22


Sir: I read your article, 'Profiting from Labour' (15 June), with some interest, but could find no reference which seemed to justify the cover picture advertising it, which quite clearly shows a lady with three breasts. Furthermore the third one, above the others and on the right, is bare. Is this a sign that Labour, if elected, intends to give a big stimulus to the manu- facturers of bras, or has it singled out babies for special favour? The lady herself and the two men with her all look very happy, as well the men might, so perhaps Labour has thought of a way of pleasing everybody. But will this affect only females born dur- ing a Labour administration, or will it apply


retrospectively to women already grown up? And if Labour are elected, will they promise to complete the second pair if re- elected for a second term as a means of remaining in office?

I think we should be told.

N.J. Moore

The Callow, Walford, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire