22 JUNE 1996, Page 23

Paul the benign

Sir: As an old Leftie who can remember when Paul Johnson was editor of the New Statesman (now a babbling ruin of a paper), I find little enough in his present pro- nouncements that is even moderately sane, let alone pleasing. It is with surprise and joy that I find myself agreeing with everything he says in 'And another thing' on 15 June.

`Playing the quality card in England's green and pleasant land' seems to me to contain almost a manifesto for a new politi- cal party. The piece is full of idealism, yet is firmly practical. It has elements of conser- vationism, communitarianism, enlightened self-interest, and profound optimism. He has almost persuaded me that modern poli- tics/economics need not be a base, hideous rush to despoliation and ugliness.

What has happened to the fiercely reac- tionary Paul Johnson? Can we expect more of this new benign version?

Peter Smalley

55A Old Church Street, London SW3