22 MARCH 1834, Page 11



The commercial crisis in the United States still casts a gloom over our money market; and though, as we anticipated in our last, the most recent accounts from the Union are c favourable, stud speak of the restoration of public con- fidence, the shipment of silver bullion still continues; and from the uncertainty in which the issue is involved, it will take some time to convince our capitalists that their cautious fears are vain. The Consul Market was heavy in the early part of the week ; and a large quantity of Money Stock being thrown on the market, the price was at one time as low as 904; but as money was easily ob- tained at a low interest, the pressure has been removed, and the price for Money is to-day 9l, and for Account 91i j, Exchequer Bills are at 51 Si) prem. India Stock continues in steady demand ; the prim for the opening in April being to-day 257 1. The quotations about twelve months ago, when the ques- tion of the Company's Charter was first agitated, was 212. We have no quo- tation of Bank Stock; the books being shut for the Dividend, and no time transactions having occurred.

Last week we alluded to the impediments thrown in way of the London and

Westminster Bank, by the private bankers already established in the Metropo- lis; and we regret to find that the hope we then indulged of the termination of what cannot be otherwise designated than hostilities, hr a not been realized. The gentlemen of Lombard Street look upon the new establislunent as an intruder upon their rights awl privileges, and are very indignant at the least hint being given of its ultimate success, using every means in their power to inconvenience and annoy it. The only effect of this opposition has been to stimulate the ma- nagement of the new company to increased exertion and activity ; and they threaten so to carry on the war as to make peace a desirable object to their an- tagonists.

The Times has expended a great deal of gratuitous indignation against the Directors of the Bank of England, for some supposed delinquency in employing a large amount of their funds in favour of some capitalist at a lower rate of in- terest than that usually charged to the public; but it appears that no such appro- priation has ever taken place, and the objurgatory remarks of our contemporary have been entirely misplaced. Even if the circumstance had occurred as stated, we cannot see how, as a mere matter of private business, it could be mule the subject of remark without carrying the sac veillance of the press to an extreme point. In the Foreign Market, with the exception of sotne transactions in Dutch

Stock, the lousiness; has been chiefly confined to the Spanish and Portuguese Bowls. In the early part of the week, these Securities were much depressed ; the former to tai, and the latter to 60; at which price some large speculations were closed, the operators being obliged to sell their stock in consequence of the indisposition of capitalists to continue the advances which had hi en made upon It. The recent intelligence from Lisbon, although not so favow able as was at first reported, has, however, changed the aspect of the market; and after being at It5, the Stock closes at 64%4. The price of ortes Bonds has, from causes similar to those operating upon the Pm tuguese, been at 23 i; but as the Stock has risen in Paris and the Continental markets, in spite of our depression, an upward reavtion has taken place, awl the price for the month of April has been :311-; while the closing quotation for Money is 31 a.

On Wednesday, intelligence was received from Amsterdam of a depression in

the prices of Funds in that city, accompanied with a ruanour of a new loan being required by the Dutch Government. The price of Dutch 2i per Cents. was depressed here to -In and that of the 5 per Cents. to 96;:. More recent advices, however, discredit the report of the loan; and as a slight rise has oc- carrot in these, our market has consequently improved ; the price of the el per Cent,. being 49(1 1,, anti the 5 per Cents. 96A it.

The prices of the Northern Stocks are nearly as in our last ; awl the busi. ncss in them has been quite unimportant. The South American Stocks are generally heavy ; although the quotations are nonliniei,. rather higher than they have been. The Mining Shares are also on the decl hie ; espeviall the Del Bey and t.'ata

Branca; the former are at 6/., and the I tater at 5/. '(Os. Del Monte are rather higher, but genei ally the markets for these commodities ate drooping. NATER nay, TwirxE o'cr.oc,K. Very little has occurred worthy of remark here this morning. The business in the English Funds has been quite unimportant. Bank Stock is quoted at 2I76. India Stock is still advancing, and is 2576 254. lathe Foreign Market, Dutch toek is more in deminul ; but, with the exception of a few transactious in that Security, the business has been almost entirely confined to Sp ini-11 and Portu- guese Bonds, which are now, after some fluctuation, nearly at the (dosing prices of yesterday. Spanish Stock lets been at 30,1, awl is now at 811; and Portu- guese Bonds have been, sellers at 64, and are now 642; d. 'flit 31iiiiiig Shares are still of dull sale, and in many instances the prices :ire nearly nominal. SATeRD us., Fri o'cl.04.K. The Dutch Market has been firmer this afternoon ; the closing price of the 26 per Cents. is 50, and the 5 per Cents, close at 97,t 1. The Spanish and Portuguese Bonds have heen in demand since twelve o'clock. There has lwen a rumour of intelligence from 'Madrid announcing the promulgation of the de- cree for convening the Cortes : the Bowls have been as high as 32 for Money, and 82% for the 15th April; the price was afterwat ds at 31,:, and closes at :Ill :.1. The Ilegeney Bonds have been at 64, and close at 653 4. Some purchases have occurred to-day for the Paris Market; the price in that city, our quotations. where the Bonds have just beel::t:i:Eft+rstaluced, being nearly 2 per cent. higher than

3 per Cent. Consols

New 34. per Cent. Annuities 24 a

Bank Stock India Stuck Ditto for Account 2 l4 91f 1

G rent, lS33. 5 per Cants.... 1044 5

Portuguese 5 per Cents Mexican 6 por Cents Match 2f par Cents.

French 3 1,er Cents &PI tok

50 —

Exchequer Bats 52 54 Do. llegeney "...rip, 5 per Cent 165I i Belgian 5 per Cents 091 100 pm.,:iaii. 141S, 5 per Cent... — Brazilian 5 per Ceuta 73i 4 Russian, 1,2-2. 5 per Cent .. 101 4

Danish3 ix:Woods ;44 54 Spanish. 142 l, Spec Cent... 314 4