22 MARCH 1834, Page 9

ebt Catnap.

The Durham C7ironicle gives detailed statements of the comparative numbers of Churchmen and Dissenters at Neweastle.upon. Tyne, Morpeth, Sunderland, and Bishop- Wearmouth and Monk-Wearmouth, specifying even the accommodation, and the actual number of hearers of every Church and Dissenting Chapel. The whole (the communi- cants and Sunday scholars of Newcastle are not stated) gives, for the Church of England, accommodation for 14,000; hearers, 8300; com- municants, 393 • Sunday scholars, 960. For the Dissenters, accommo- dation for 29,433 ; hearers, 21,035; communicants, 3280; Sunday scholars, 3166.—Mo/wing Chronicle.

The ferment throughout the country on account of Lord John Rus- sell's Marriage Bill continues. At a general meeting of the Dissenters of Birmingham, held in the Independent Chapel, Steelhouse Lane' re- solutions were passed, condemning in strong terms the conduct of Mi- nisters in introducing such a bill of relief. —Morning Chronicle.

The advance in the price of wool has put all the farmers on the alert who have any of that article so sell, and sheep are actually travelling to London in " flannel waistcoats," havitig been short for the sake of the wool, and covered up with flannel, to prevent their fleall being injtuad by exposure to cold.—Oxford Journal.