22 MARCH 1845, Page 7

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TnieCourt has lefe town for the Easter holydays. The Queen and Prince Albee4 with the Royal children, set out from Buckingham Palace at a quarter to three o'clock on Wednesday; and, travelling by the Great Western Railway, reached Windsor Castle a few minutes before four o'clock.

Her Majesty immediately drove over to visit the Dateless of Kent; who bat arrived at Frogrnore, from Witley Court, on Monday. The Dutohess joined the dinner-circle at the Castle in the evening. The Queen gave audience to Sir Robert Peel, at Buckingham Palace, on Tuesday. Her Majesty and Prince Albert went to the Italian Operaon Saturday. The Dowager Grand Dateless of Baden was at the Opera on Saturday and Toes, clay evenings; and at the performance of the Sacked Harmonic Society in Exeter Hall, on Wednesday.

The Duke of Cambridge visited the Hutches,' of Gloucester, on Saturday; an4 in the evening his Royal- Highness honoured with his presence parties given bee Lori Struiley and by Lord and Lady Palmerston.