22 MARCH 1856, Page 8

Among the American intelligence is an account of the severe

sufferings of a shies crew on the voyage from Port-au-Prince to New York. The bark Amelia, laden with arni is and supposed to be engaged in fillibustering projects, was seized by the United States authorities at Port-au-Prince. She put to sea under their charge on the 1st of December, in a leaky state ; and did not make a port until the 1st of February, when she reached St. Thomas. During the intervening sixty-two days she was beating up and down the Atlantic, driven about by fierce storms till she became a wreck. The crew lived for twenty-two days on "rice and rats" ; ships avoiding them, "the Amelia being rather a suspicious-looking craft." At length they got a small quantity of flour from an English brig, and by great good luck gained the island of St. Thomas.