22 MARCH 1902, Page 23

Lives and Legends of the Evangelists, Apostles, and other Early

Saints. By Mrs. Arthur Bell. (G. Bell and Sons. 14a.)—The lover of Italian art who wishes to know something about holy people so often painted will find much to interest him in the present volume. Besides recounting the legends, and pointing out any features in the stories of probable historical truth, the author describes the treatment in art both of the people and of the incidents of their lives. A number of good illustrations are to be found in the book. We are promised another volume by the same author dealing with the Fathers of the Church and the great hermits. In it we shall hope to find a reproduction of

that delightful primitive picture once exhibited at the New Gallery, which showed the desert densely populated with hermits aa a by no means unentertainiug place, the sight of a hermit driving out to pay calls in a car drawn by a lion being among the attractions.