22 MARCH 1902, Page 25

Translations from Lucian. By Augusta M. Campbell Davidson, M.A. (Longcaans

and Co. Gs. net.)—We have not had an opportunity of comparing these translations with the original, but we may say that they are written in fluent English, wholly free from the awkwardness and stiffness which commonly beset the translator, The pieces selected are _seven, the amusing ex- travagance of the "Vera Historic" being, perhaps, the best known among them. "The Philosophers' Auction" and the " Hermotimus " might come next in order of popularity. We can- not but think that Miss Davidson would have made her book more acceptable if she had added some notes. Lucian's satirical allusions, especially to Christianity and its professors, are par- ticularly interesting. The description of the Island of the Blest seems to have a reference to the conclusion of the Apocalypse, and the whale seems to suggest Jonah.