22 MARCH 1913, Page 19


notice in the issue of your-paper;. Aftireh 'Teti= that Major Richardson claims to-have-obtained with his hounds the first:criminal conviction on bloodhound evidence in England. It may interest your readers to ,know that I obtained-a, conviction against three men- wanted by tber.police-- at Marlborough, April 1910, who were--tracked down by a hound named Shadower. In July- the same year I tracked ._ down.a-man wanted by the police for committing a robbery ,. in the night. Upon being searched- the missing articles-were:: found in. his possession.; he •was, sentenced to , a- term.- of . imprisonment, • In September the. seas:slew:L. tracked dean a man through Savernake Forest, who was wanted by the

police ; he also was sentenced to a term of imprisonment. The above cases were with the hound named Shadower,' who has a long list of criminal convictions to his name, as well as rendering other valuable services to the police. Sbadower' is the sire of the three hounds which rendered such valuable service to the West Sussex police in various cases of crime, including the arson cases when Wakeford and Chant were sentenced at Lewes Assizes on March 7th to seven and five