22 MARCH 1930, Page 14


BOND STREET, W. 1.] The catalogue of the seventeen paintings by Miss Eve Kirk, at Messrs-. Paterson's Galleries, is preceded by an introduction written by Mr. Augustus John. In this he apologizes for drawing attention to the work of this young painter. Incredulity and suspicion are engendered con- tinually when the established praise the tmestablished. Neither Mr. Augustus John nor Miss Kirk, however, need have any apprehension for his sponsorship. It must be a long time since a painter burst upon Bond Street with Seventeen paint; ings of such quality, and assured competence, these seventeen being the whole output. They have nothing sensational to recommend them unless it is their competence and assur- ance, which in these days is more surprising than organized fireworks. With one exception, Still 'Life, Virgin and Child, which might well have been omitted, since as a single spy its presence is rather irrelevant, all the paintings are of the streets, quays and. market places of Provence, Italy and London. Miss Kirk uses the knife in preference to the brush, but with such delicacy that one scarcely realizes it. In so much modern painting " knife " is synonymous with plas- terer's trowel, and the result often bears a strong resemblance to amateur plaster work. Whether Miss Kirk turns to the brush or not, her present method is admirable for the subjects she has chosen. New painters of such conspicuous achieve- ment and promise do not grow on every bush, and it would be a pity for anyone who is at all interested in painting to miss her, work. Across the Old Port, Marseille, A Hillside, Bormes, The Nice Road, Cagnes, Warren Street, Quai du Rive' Neuf, Marseille, An Italian River, An Italian Market Place, and The Vieux Port, Marseille, are among the most memorable pictures. Even those who are beginning to regard Provence as a latter day variant of Highland Cattle will be disarmed and converted.

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